The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Charity?? No your mistaken motherfucker, it's a share and share alike kinda thing, keep good strains going all over the UK and aboad, also it helps when one person loses a strain to get it back easy and they can repay the favor if ever needed,
You cunt wouldn't appreciate the morals both good and bad of most members of this thread !
couldnt of said it better m8 just his stupid posts show him for what he is


Well-Known Member
couldnt of said it better m8 just his stupid posts show him for what he is
Mate I'm not even bothered with that little cunt, just stating a point, I've been on here 5 yrs and know and met a lot of the members in this thread, that fucker doesn't understand the honor amongst us criminals lol, we help each other out and then we repay the favor when we can, and do the same for others when we can, It's a pay it forward sorta shit,


Well-Known Member
@DST @Don etc

Feed The Birds added 17 new photos — with Jack Bean and Lee Mc Hic Hickey.
13 mins · Edited ·
High Folks happy Tuesday evening

So as you may have noticed Your Jack has been away sampling the delights once more of the beautiful city of Amsterdam

So...Has much changed?

Unfortunately the short answer is yes

For those of you familiar with the older times of the Dam you will remember with fondness the quality and variety of Cannabis once on offer in this fair city

Such days it seems are fading fast I am afraid

If your a connoisseur and looking for the piff, the leng, the power... (starting to sound very south London wink emoticon ) Then apart from The Grey Area coffeeshop and 1 erste Hulp you will be disappointed.

It seems that the majority of coffeeshops now stock a rather subdued blend of good fine tasting Cannabis from the old skool Skunk No1's to more later varieties of the super silver hazes and the odd chocolope or buddah cheese but..... nothing special... nothing magical,

(nothing that screams DAAAAMNNNN )

Until you find yourself at the door of Grey Are and things just start to feel a little different.

Firstly.. the queue and this is no joke , it ran outside the shop so you know the smoke is good

Secondly .. The shop itself , its small and totally covered from floor to ceiling with thousands? (Jack didn't count them) of rizla messages from smokers and tokers all over the world, With three small tables you instantly know this is the place to grab your supplies and head out into Dam.

Last but not least ... The guys at Grey Area

These guys are smokers, they appreciate fine fine green and service is lightning fast. Their Dog cannabis was the best I had smoked all holiday. dare I say the Best in Amsterdam??

Then of course there is 1 Eerste hulp

The coffeeshop was really easy to find.... Once MC Lee had actually texted your Jack the right Tram station name and not one residing about 5 miles outside central Amsterdam... so thanks for that Lee

What a high class well thought out beautiful Coffeeshop this is,

The Downstairs as some of you may have been following has been totally refurbished and what an interesting personal smoking spot this makes.

The Cannabis itself was Fantastic..on par with Grey area. The rolex og was heavy, Larby you should be proud sir but what amazed Jack most was the utterly astounding selection of the real high grade hashes, resins, etc.

If you love your hash then this is THE coffeeshop to be in!

So is it all doom and gloom if Jack could only really find the high grade in two coffeeshops?


Amsterdam to me is the most amazing place.. not for the quality of the cannabis but the fact that I can meet likeminded smokers from almost every land on this planet and enjoy our choice of herb in a totally relaxed friendly atmosphere

This is what Amsterdam is about, Walking into a coffeeshop alone because your friends are all asleep in the hotel and within an hour Jacks sharing a table with two dutch guys, a young Singapore couple and an a guys weekend away party from Scotland.
All having the time of our lives having met an hour previously now sharing joints and laughing like we had been friends from old.

and every coffeeshop is still like this smile emoticon

Brimming with likeminded cannabis enthusiasts who have each made their way to the Dam for this reason and that, Stag do, End to a round the world trip week end away... you name it!

All there to smoke fine weed , meet new people make great memories and even greater friends


Of course Grey Area and 1 Eerste hulp
The guys from Peterborough and my good buddy Lee mc mic hickey. Was amazing to meet you and the super joint we all shared will be long remembered, Jack will link with you at the hemp fest smile emoticon

The Singapore couple.. Truly apologise to the young lady I had no idea how strong that fudge was... I do hope you feel a little better smile emoticon and we certainly attracted the craziest man in all of Amsterdam that's for sure!!!

The two chaps from Canada we shared breakfast and last days smokes with.. hope I didn't drag you around too much but I had to show you the volcanos in bluebird smile emoticon Hope you get back safe and sound guys

And of course...


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
bird is the word eh. Nice to hear its well received. Also kind of the way Amsterdam is going. The coffee shops I visited the selection wasn't all that.

what's all this feed the birds? That them who were giving out free pips?


Well-Known Member
bird is the word eh. Nice to hear its well received. Also kind of the way Amsterdam is going. The coffee shops I visited the selection wasn't all that.

what's all this feed the birds? That them who were giving out free pips?
Thats the one, they got a facebook page/website etc