The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
these 3 are what they look like now but the ones on the bottom was more black tips and curled under SDC12486.JPG SDC12487.JPG SDC12488.JPG i just looked at the chart and its what it looks more like to me


Well-Known Member
Hmmm I'd say they're a little dark tbh mate I think if u had a zinc def they'd be a lot more leaf damage and more of them...u can see a lot of tips have a wee bit of nuts burn that's fuck all shows the plants are pumped lol...but to me that looks like its had a splash on it weird how its near the tips tho


Well-Known Member
Lool true say geez.....I'm loving my hose And funnel contraption the water proper bubbles out if it I rekon the girlies love it gonna be on 2 litre a day soon :)


Well-Known Member
not twatted at all zedd just told to learn himself you was telling irish earlier to wait until he feels heat in a wound like that nxt to his eye lmao heat means infected and that sounds like a good idea next to ya eye as much as i beleive any plant diagnosis by a fucking pic.
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Well-Known Member
I came home today and checked the mother plants I have, 2 of them, ones shrivelled to fuck and all droopy and the others fine, the fucker drank all it's feed from it bubbler pot. So much for nothing goes wrong lmao, lucky I've 2 and I'm goin a try bring the fucked one back anyway, might be totally fucked tho


Well-Known Member
the bottoms leafs seems bad tho m8 burnt crispy and shrivled
well so far you have cal burn, zinc burn and spilling excess feed on ya plants lmao ask again 2mora and there will be a few more options, if i had definate answers for you id say em but i dont know, that looks as much like lots of nute burn ive seen which nute i dont no lol or it could be a number of defiences i dont no about either........