Gage Green Group Info Thread

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Well-Known Member
are you fudgin retarded? how do you say leave me the fudge alone in canada eh?

LOL #5
you buy what you can afford....
i want a mclaren f1 car, but i cant afford it. so i get something i can afford... you see the analogy?
so it seems to me ggg out of your price range... you might want to try sannies, or mandala.
people always bitch about what they dont have....
or you might stop hanging on my D since your an asshole by nature i know it come naturally... :bigjoint:

75% or your post are to bitch when someone said the price is too much or to say your famous "your on
my ignore list but can't stop sucking your"bongsmilie

always bragging people just talk and no pic but had only post pics of a daybreaker and personal attack on other people:clap:

a lots of people get word with each other here but we forget it because we are not child anymore we can get over it for or passion and find out we thniking the same on certain things im loyal as fuck with my friend but if it ain't right im gonna tell him that how life is when your a true friend , you lack something they call maturity bongsmilie

Bob Zmuda

Well-Known Member
o HO HO ... your so fudging funny
i forgot to fall off my dinosaur...

you bought a d&d and your still complain about price??? thats there cheapest one...
are you that desprate to keep trying to conversate with me??? fudge off
somebodys mad that there on my ignore list... just wont leave me the fudge alone...

I've lurked on this thread for a long time trying to get info about gage green plants. there is some really good info if you wade through all the bickering.

I guess the thing that struck me so hard was you beemo. You came in here talking smack to everyone like you're some kind of God yet you haven't posted one plant picture. Some people in this thread are kind of jerks but they back it up with gorgeous plant pictures. Where are yours? Just curious.


Well-Known Member
or you might stop hanging on my D since your an asshole by nature i know it come naturally... :bigjoint:

75% or your post are to bitch when someone said the price is too much or to say your famous "your on
my ignore list but can't stop sucking your"bongsmilie
always bragging people just talk and no pic but had only post pics of a daybreaker and personal attack on other people:clap:
a lots of people get word with each other here but we forget it because we are not child anymore we can get over it for or passion and find out we thniking the same on certain things im loyal as fuck with my friend but if it ain't right im gonna tell him that how life is when your a true friend , you lack something they call maturity bongsmilie
now your using my line, little biatch... get off my nuts....
stop quote me...
daybreaker? get your shit str8.....
i've posted way more photos then your bitch azz..

I've lurked on this thread for a long time trying to get info about gage green plants. there is some really good info if you wade through all the bickering.

I guess the thing that struck me so hard was you beemo. You came in here talking smack to everyone like you're some kind of God yet you haven't posted one plant picture. Some people in this thread are kind of jerks but they back it up with gorgeous plant pictures. Where are yours? Just curious.
another new member... i wonder who this was....
is that why i have more likes the messages???
daybreaker? ive never posted daybreaker... maybe the pack.. LOL
got me mistaken...
im sorry if the TRUTH scares you...
now i know how mad and gen feel, when they try to defend ggg...

Bob Zmuda

Well-Known Member
now your using my line, little biatch... get off my nuts....
stop quote me...
daybreaker? get your shit str8.....
i've posted way more photos then your bitch azz..

another new member... i wonder who this was....
is that why i have more likes the messages???
daybreaker? ive never posted daybreaker... maybe the pack.. LOL
got me mistaken...
im sorry if the TRUTH scares you...
now i know how mad and gen feel, when they try to defend ggg...
Ok so you're just a dick for no reason and with no basis and have no pics to back it up. You must be a young boy. Question answered. Carry on. You seem to be a real hit.

And you're no Mad or Gen that's for sure.


Well-Known Member
you dont know me bob... dont get on my bad side... you'll see, even if im not on here... these fools clog up the thread about this b.s.....
you just caught me at a bad time....
start from the beginning... its every 1-2weeks....about price....
check the other ggg thread....
im giving you the benefit of the doubt right now..
so better chilll


Well-Known Member
Ok so you're just a dick for no reason and with no basis and have no pics to back it up. You must be a young boy. Question answered. Carry on. You seem to be a real hit.
And you're no Mad or Gen that's for sure.
better check again about pics...
obviously you've only skimmed the first 10 pgs...
you'lll see how these other a-holes act....
i was actually the nice one in the beginning trying to reason with them...
until theres just no reasoning with them...
you'll see...

Bob Zmuda

Well-Known Member
you dont know me bob... dont get on my bad side... you'll see, even if im not on here... these fools clog up the thread about this b.s.....
you just caught me at a bad time....
start from the beginning... its every 1-2weeks....about price....
check the other ggg thread....
im giving you the benefit of the doubt right now..
so better chilll
Your bad side? LOL. Internet thug over here.

You go big bossman! :clap::lol:


Well-Known Member
How about a picture battle Beemo. You game?
sorry, like ham told me,, dont deal with newbies. i would say get your stats up.. but your ignored...
learn how to post without doin it twice... i've posted plenty. do something usefull and search...

Bob Zmuda

Well-Known Member
Didn't think so. Good thing. I found your picture and I would have really embarrassed you. Backup? Can't stand on your own 2? Clearly...

and for the love of god learn the difference between "you're" and "your". My 7th grade son uses them correctly.
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