1st Annual RIU fishing trip, Friday June 12th

hing Report, Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Salmon Fishing

The salmon fishing along the Marin coast took a surprising bounce over the past weekend. Scores reported by most of the charter boat skippers remained solid over the last 3 days, averaging a fish a rod on all charter boats operating Saturday, Sunday and Monday. The first time we have had 3 days of consistent scores.
Monday action aboard the El Dorado was 12 salmon up to 17lbs for 6 paying customers. Capt. Robert Gallia reported during the morning hours there were a few slow periods, but overall pace of the action was good. The bite continued throughout the midday outside Muir Beach, in the range of 60-70ft of water. Most of the salmon were caught between 40-50 pulls using straight bait without flashers.
The recent arrivals moved into the area to feed on the abundance of bait fish (anchovies) which have been stacked on the edge of the bar. The quality of the salmon was between 10-12lbs with big fish between 15 and 20lbs. The weather was good during the last 3 days but is expected to pick up on Wednesday, Thursday getting nice again on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
The surprising appearance of quality salmon in early June along the Marin coast was a welcome sight, and may be attributed to the cooler conditions that have developed along the Marin coast. This may be just the beginning of a much larger school preparing to move in.

this is incouraging . They better hurry up cuz where gunning for em ! :fire: