Should we be scared yet?


Well-Known Member
Im kind of in bastrop at the moment.
Everyone freaking out over that jade helm crap.

Let us know how the foil works out

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
Well should you be scared ?? how long has the Government been spying on there civilians the NSA listening in to phone calls knowing who you are talking to. with new laws coming out weekly taking away your Rights n freedoms ,,
Should you be scared ??? with more n more debt and the bottom can now be seen Should you be scared ???
Black Chamber , shamrock are only some of the names of groups that spied on there civilians ..
up to 1952 when i believe NSA was made ..
Is it anything new ?? are there aliens rumour has it Russia warns USA to open up on the truth about Aliens are they will ...
Have you not noticed how things have changed in our short life already ?? you know them sci fi movies we grew up to,, are actually coming true ..
with less n less jobs and health care , schooling all fucked up do you not think?? something is going to happen soon possibly a rebellion to the Government..
If were doing so good how come the Government has taken billions from the retirement fund.. Is it possibly to stiff you when you go to retire , or just another IOU
Should you be scared that everyone tends to want the middle class folks thrown out so what there is poor then there is rich ..
Could this be the start once this does happen tht food prices sky rocket or to put it in real terms priced to normal world market trades , rather then government eating up the difference ?? could you imagine 5 bucks for a loaf of bread i know i pay over 3 bucks now for it ?? what do you pay ....
Is it no surprise that money is going out of USA faster then its coming in ???
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Well-Known Member
If I'm scared they win. Lol
if you know someone is against you and has the power to act on it at will.

Don't waste one precious moment being afraid.

Save that for the actual moment you are fucked.

It is ok to slip back into thefear sTate from time to time but don't hang out there.

Now give mommy a big old kiss.

Da gubment lubs ewe.
nd Eye lub ewe.


Well-Known Member
I'm not I don't own a cell phone or live in the city so nothing to worry about the government comes for us they gonna need to deal with the city's plus unless they got a fleet of A.I. robots they still need us to fight their wars to keep the money flowing. Plus they got more to worry about us we couldn't take the little ass Taliban they can't touch a full on revolution.


Well-Known Member
This is always my point.

They want us to live eat and pay taxes.

Not at all in that order.

If they eat our brains we die and oops!
No more worker beas.

Yeah right.

Darth Vapour

Well-Known Member
they want you living in fear this way they can control you , the news ,Radio's are censored for there agenda they make you believe that some other country is bad..
And we need to attack them when facts are its opposite ... they want to invade another country not in peace but for there agenda .. they criticize countries like Russia for entering Ukraine but its ok for NATO to ty to push there agenda closer to ones borders ,, no different like the Cuban missile crisis how did USA react ???? when Russia was going to plant NUKES in that country aiming at USA ,, you sure didn't like it then whats the difference now in Ukraine NATO trying to push in RUSSIA invades and pushes them out same fucking thing really
now Russia has a firm stand in UKraine letting NATO no that if you plan to push you beliefs or bases in my back yard ,, its not going to happen. And now USA imposes Embargo's on countries that do not side with them funny really ..
Oh how nice other countries like Iran, Russia , China have been cause in reality anyone of them are capable of sending USA to there knees with out even a war ,, just change oil currency ,, Don't kid your selfs its going to happen very soon and once that does countries will drop the US currency rather then be caught up with a bunch of ass wipe take there loses and move on where as USA will crumble and destroy it selfs with in as other countries watch in horror