Americans Favor Bush Over Obama


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Americans Favor Bush Over Obama: Poll
International Business Times - Amy Nordrum


© Provided by IBT US Bush

Americans reported higher approval of former President George W. Bush than for President Barack Obama in a new CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll released Wednesday. Of 1,025 Americans who responded to a phone survey, 52 percent said they viewed the former president in a favorable light, while 49 percent felt the same way about the current commander in chief.

The new results represent a slight change of heart for Americans who have consistently rated Bush unfavorably by a slim margin over the past decade.

It’s not uncommon for a president’s ratings to lift after leaving the White House, and it certainly seems that spending time away from the Oval Office has helped Bush’s image. He suffered chronically low ratings throughout the last half of his presidency. Public opinion bottomed out when 63 percent of respondents reported an unfavorable view of him about a month after he handed over the presidency in 2009.

The new poll reveals a jump for Bush from a year ago when 46 percent of Americans viewed him in a favorable light. Over the same period, the percentage of Americans who express a favorable attitude toward Obama has also improved from 47 percent to 49 percent– but the current president’s favorability is not growing as quickly as the rate for the former.

Meanwhile, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is still expected to throw his hat into the ring as a presidential candidate in the 2016 election. The recent boost in his brother’s ratings led Daniel Strauss at Talking Points Memo to speculate that the former president may play a larger role in his brother’s campaign than previously thought. However, the same advantage may be available to Hillary Clinton whose husband, former President Bill Clinton, outranked Bush in the same poll, with 64 percent of Americans reporting a favorable opinion of him.

The in-depth phone poll was conducted over three days in late May. Pollsters posed dozens of questions to participants about overall job approval and Obama’s performance on specific policy issues. To rate favorability of former presidents and Obama, they asked, “As I read each name, please say if you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of these people.”
TELEPHONE SURVEY. Oh yeah, THAT'S unbiased!

Who under sixty still has a TELEPHONE?!

actually, since i can turn anything around and make it about myself..

in 1999, i was ridiculed for only having a boss kinda made fun of it 'so, then, you are always at work when you're home and home when you are at work'? yup, douchebag, something like's called visionary..meanwhile you're stuck paying two fucking phone bills..who's the smarter?
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actually, since i can turn anything around and make it about myself..

in 1999, i was ridiculed for only having a boss kinda made fun of it 'so, then, you are always at work when you're home and home when you are at work' yup, douchebag, something like's called visionary..meanwhile you're paying two fucking phone bills..who's the smarter?

I got my Note II a couple of years ago- and people would ridicule my BRICK. Now the new iPhone and Samsung galaxy models are ALL this big!
I got my Note II a couple of years ago- and people would ridicule my BRICK. Now the new iPhone and Samsung galaxy models are ALL this big!

you know vermin and his boot hat?..when my first baby was 2, she used to put pantyhose on her head for 'pigtails' ala wizard of's a genetic thingy:wink:
TELEPHONE SURVEY. Oh yeah, THAT'S unbiased!

Who under sixty still has a TELEPHONE?!
I do...even if i didn't have phone service..I'll always have a landline in my house..911 and other emergency numbers still work when cell service goes out...but then again..i have a old ham radio in case the land lines ever die, and some CB's..and a morse code thingy...and a smoke signal blanket around somewhere..
I saw that and it's disappointing if you think about it. It must be a comparative thing, like "well, I guess when we thought it couldn't be worse..." or "Obama is doing the same things, so all those things that we complained about when Bush did it, we can't really complain about now".

I can't believe anyone who objectively thought Bush sucked back then can objectively think he didn't now. What changed?
I do...even if i didn't have phone service..I'll always have a landline in my house..911 and other emergency numbers still work when cell service goes out...but then again..i have a old ham radio in case the land lines ever die, and some CB's..and a morse code thingy...and a smoke signal blanket around somewhere..

not's changed.

by law, you must be able to receive incoming calls, access to 911 and 611 to pay your can receive a text too but cannot answer.
not's changed.

by law, you must be able to receive incoming calls, access to 911 and 611 to pay your can receive a text too but cannot answer.
I meant on can plug a phone into an abandoned house and should still have emergency services as long as the house is still physically hooked up to telephone lines. I'm fairly certain it's illegal for the phone company to disconnect the line from the house.
I meant on can plug a phone into an abandoned house and should still have emergency services as long as the house is still physically hooked up to telephone lines.


didn't you say when cell goes out?..cell doesn't go out fully anymore..if you don't pay your bill you still have services, just none YOU can access..other than 911 for emergency and 611 to pay your bill.
Only reason I could see favoring Bush over Obama is that with Bush we were going into unknown.
After 8 years we saw what Bush did was wrong. Obama was voted in to CHANGE things, yet here we are 6 years later and he is still doing the same shit Bush did. We learned nothing from the past.

Also Bush was pretty damned upfront about his goals. We are going after the "evil-doers". Right, wrong or inbetween there was nothing Bush did that suprised anyone, you got what you expected. Where as Obama made a lot of change promises and transparency promises and such and it was all bullshit.
Only reason I could see favoring Bush over Obama is that with Bush we were going into unknown.
After 8 years we saw what Bush did was wrong. Obama was voted in to CHANGE things, yet here we are 6 years later and he is still doing the same shit Bush did. We learned nothing from the past.

really? because yesterday you said:

Obamacare, I can officially say I love it.
Good Job Obama and others involved.

i mean there's a whole thread on it..what gives?

didn't you say when cell goes out?..cell doesn't go out fully anymore..if you don't pay your bill you still have services, just none YOU can access..other than 911 for emergency and 611 to pay your bill.
Yeah but i meant it as when i can't get a cell signal i still have landline..Where i live getting a signal is hit or miss. The cell service may not go down..but it definitely cuts in and out. i'll go days with nothing then get flooded with texts and notifications. Sucks because i try and make some side cash selling crap ( not drugs...HI feds...:P) on Craigslist and when people can't get ahold of my cell.. i lose $$$.
really? because yesterday you said:

i mean there's a whole thread on it..what gives?

A few days ago you quoted something I said and when I asked about why, you said to get me to respond..
I am guessing this is the same thing... but I will respond.

Bush did some things I liked and many things I disliked.
Obama has done some things I liked and many things I disliked.

Pretty simple. Seems like a lot of people these days think there has to be a side of the fence. If you like one thing you have to like everything, or if you dont like something you cant like anything. That is a very wrong way of looking at things IMO.

Doesnt matter what party they are, if they do something good, I give them credit, if they do something bad, I shit on them.
There is no one on this planet I support unconditionally, and never will be.
A few days ago you quoted something I said and when I asked about why, you said to get me to respond..
I am guessing this is the same thing... but I will respond.

Bush did some things I liked and many things I disliked.
Obama has done some things I liked and many things I disliked.

Pretty simple. Seems like a lot of people these days think there has to be a side of the fence. If you like one thing you have to like everything, or if you dont like something you cant like anything. That is a very wrong way of looking at things IMO.

Doesnt matter what party they are, if they do something good, I give them credit, if they do something bad, I shit on them.
There is no one on this planet I support unconditionally, and never will be.

you are correct in both statements..what do you NOT like about bernie sanders?..his supporting: weed,! maybe he's a libertarian?

you seem a bit hypocritical.