Americans Favor Bush Over Obama

Americans Favor Bush Over Obama: Poll
International Business Times - Amy Nordrum


© Provided by IBT US Bush

Americans reported higher approval of former President George W. Bush than for President Barack Obama in a new CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll released Wednesday. Of 1,025 Americans who responded to a phone survey, 52 percent said they viewed the former president in a favorable light, while 49 percent felt the same way about the current commander in chief.

The new results represent a slight change of heart for Americans who have consistently rated Bush unfavorably by a slim margin over the past decade.

It’s not uncommon for a president’s ratings to lift after leaving the White House, and it certainly seems that spending time away from the Oval Office has helped Bush’s image. He suffered chronically low ratings throughout the last half of his presidency. Public opinion bottomed out when 63 percent of respondents reported an unfavorable view of him about a month after he handed over the presidency in 2009.

The new poll reveals a jump for Bush from a year ago when 46 percent of Americans viewed him in a favorable light. Over the same period, the percentage of Americans who express a favorable attitude toward Obama has also improved from 47 percent to 49 percent– but the current president’s favorability is not growing as quickly as the rate for the former.

Meanwhile, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is still expected to throw his hat into the ring as a presidential candidate in the 2016 election. The recent boost in his brother’s ratings led Daniel Strauss at Talking Points Memo to speculate that the former president may play a larger role in his brother’s campaign than previously thought. However, the same advantage may be available to Hillary Clinton whose husband, former President Bill Clinton, outranked Bush in the same poll, with 64 percent of Americans reporting a favorable opinion of him.

The in-depth phone poll was conducted over three days in late May. Pollsters posed dozens of questions to participants about overall job approval and Obama’s performance on specific policy issues. To rate favorability of former presidents and Obama, they asked, “As I read each name, please say if you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of these people.”

congratulations, republicans, on finally finding a republican who can beat obama at the polls!

Didn't the smart guy just say things are better now than they have been for decades under BarryO's leadership?

Maybe BarryO's smart Guys aren't so smart. I know Gruber was a smart guy but his followers he said were all stupid so there you go.
2008 compared to is better
Americans are very quick to forget. Why is that ??? Something in the water ?
I have lost any faith that Republicans are any better than Democrats, and vice versa, but the comment that "it" is better than it has been in decades troubles me. Unemployment and underemployment remain huge problems. The Social Security Disability trust fund is scheduled to go bankrupt in October, resulting in major financial burdens for tens of thousands of Americans. The Social Security "Old Age and Retirement" trust fund is projected to be bankrupt in barely a decade, and that is under the chronically optimistic viewpoint of the Government Accounting Office. The GAO, itself, acknowledges the bankruptcy - pardon me, "income shortfall" in modern political parlance - may occur sooner. We cannot even imagine the financial crisis that will cause. The national debt is a staggering $18.2 TRILLION. That works out to nearly $60,000 for every man, woman and newborn child in the country. National debt as a share of Gross Domestic Product has reached levels never previously seen, or even approached, in peacetime. The government has chosen to keep interest rates artificially depressed by using "quantitative easing" - which, to us laymen, means they just crank up the presses and print more money. Experts from both sides of the political aisle agree that a likely outcome of "quantitative easing" will eventually have to be a massive increase in the inflation rate. The government is just hoping the economy boosts high enough soon enough that none of us notice when interest rates hit levels like those in some 3rd world dictatorship. The part that staggers me is that all this information is well known to anyone in government, and in 8 years of Obama, no one has even discussed it, let alone done anything about it.

I am just as disgusted that nothing was done about these issues under previous administrations, too, I am simply pointing out that a statement like "better than it has been in decades" is an oversimplification, and neglects to consider some very serious problems still facing our country.
2008 compared to is better
Americans are very quick to forget. Why is that ??? Something in the water ?

That was my point about the increased Bush approval rate.

What nitro was talking about was the comment that we are doing the best we have in decades. (a decade means 10 years, normally I wouldn't point this out)
That was my point about the increased Bush approval rate.

What nitro was talking about was the comment that we are doing the best we have in decades. (a decade means 10 years, normally I wouldn't point this out)
Tell me how this poll was ran and who was polled
I have lost any faith that Republicans are any better than Democrats, and vice versa, but the comment that "it" is better than it has been in decades troubles me. Unemployment and underemployment remain huge problems. The Social Security Disability trust fund is scheduled to go bankrupt in October, resulting in major financial burdens for tens of thousands of Americans. The Social Security "Old Age and Retirement" trust fund is projected to be bankrupt in barely a decade, and that is under the chronically optimistic viewpoint of the Government Accounting Office. The GAO, itself, acknowledges the bankruptcy - pardon me, "income shortfall" in modern political parlance - may occur sooner. We cannot even imagine the financial crisis that will cause. The national debt is a staggering $18.2 TRILLION. That works out to nearly $60,000 for every man, woman and newborn child in the country. National debt as a share of Gross Domestic Product has reached levels never previously seen, or even approached, in peacetime. The government has chosen to keep interest rates artificially depressed by using "quantitative easing" - which, to us laymen, means they just crank up the presses and print more money. Experts from both sides of the political aisle agree that a likely outcome of "quantitative easing" will eventually have to be a massive increase in the inflation rate. The government is just hoping the economy boosts high enough soon enough that none of us notice when interest rates hit levels like those in some 3rd world dictatorship. The part that staggers me is that all this information is well known to anyone in government, and in 8 years of Obama, no one has even discussed it, let alone done anything about it.

I am just as disgusted that nothing was done about these issues under previous administrations, too, I am simply pointing out that a statement like "better than it has been in decades" is an oversimplification, and neglects to consider some very serious problems still facing our country.

just about none of the numbers you just reeled off have any basis in reality whatsoever though.
Didn't the smart guy just say things are better now than they have been for decades under BarryO's leadership?

Maybe BarryO's smart Guys aren't so smart. I know Gruber was a smart guy but his followers he said were all stupid so there you go.

Your brain and penis are too tiny to understand. If it's not obvious to you by now, why bother explaining?
I have lost any faith that Republicans are any better than Democrats, and vice versa, but the comment that "it" is better than it has been in decades troubles me. Unemployment and underemployment remain huge problems. The Social Security Disability trust fund is scheduled to go bankrupt in October, resulting in major financial burdens for tens of thousands of Americans. The Social Security "Old Age and Retirement" trust fund is projected to be bankrupt in barely a decade, and that is under the chronically optimistic viewpoint of the Government Accounting Office. The GAO, itself, acknowledges the bankruptcy - pardon me, "income shortfall" in modern political parlance - may occur sooner. We cannot even imagine the financial crisis that will cause. The national debt is a staggering $18.2 TRILLION. That works out to nearly $60,000 for every man, woman and newborn child in the country. National debt as a share of Gross Domestic Product has reached levels never previously seen, or even approached, in peacetime. The government has chosen to keep interest rates artificially depressed by using "quantitative easing" - which, to us laymen, means they just crank up the presses and print more money. Experts from both sides of the political aisle agree that a likely outcome of "quantitative easing" will eventually have to be a massive increase in the inflation rate. The government is just hoping the economy boosts high enough soon enough that none of us notice when interest rates hit levels like those in some 3rd world dictatorship. The part that staggers me is that all this information is well known to anyone in government, and in 8 years of Obama, no one has even discussed it, let alone done anything about it.

I am just as disgusted that nothing was done about these issues under previous administrations, too, I am simply pointing out that a statement like "better than it has been in decades" is an oversimplification, and neglects to consider some very serious problems still facing our country.

I agree, It was hard to choke down how the left on here has there head stuck up BarryOs rear end so far they really think things are better than the have been in decades. But glad to have some more common sense here. Thanks for your input Dr.

The smart one will be here shortly with an answer for you for everything. welcome. jk
Tell me how this poll was ran and who was polled
No idea but from what I understand polls are scientific proof of something we agree with and bullshit made up stats when we don't.

I only believe the approval ratings polls that I agree with, so unless both Bush AND Obama have low ratings, I'll remain skeptical.
No idea but from what I understand polls are scientific proof of something we agree with and bullshit made up stats when we don't.

I only believe the approval ratings polls that I agree with, so unless both Bush AND Obama have low ratings, I'll remain skeptical.
any poll can be made to fit whatever agenda you so desire. A smart person understand this
Tell me how this poll was ran and who was polled

well ya see, they called people up and asked them about their approval rating of the guy currently in office, versus a guy who hasn't been in office for nearly a decade.

now, if we compare bush after 6.5 years to obama after 6.5 years (a fair comparison), the result is completely different.


  1. Bush's lowest job approval rating had been 29%, reached in a July 2007 Gallup Poll.

so if we compare apples to apples, the real story is that obama is at 50%, while shrub was around 29% approval rating at the same point in their respective presidencies.

And all BS lets not forget how the government admits to manipulating stock markets ..
Is it really better ???
The federal government hit a new milestone Friday: The total federal debt now tallies more than $18 trillion.

Just six years ago when President Obama took office, total debt stood at $10.6 trillion, which means it now has increased by almost $8 trillion—roughly 70 percent—during his tenure as president.

The surge in total debt, which has hit 103 percent of gross domestic product, comes at a time when politicians are championing falling deficits and claiming them as evidence that government spending is under control.

Although deficits have been falling since 2009—when they were at record levels with a dearth of revenue to offset massive spending—they don’t tell the full story. This past year the government still spent $486 billion more than it took in. And the annual deficit is expected to reach trillion-dollar levels again within 10 years, further accelerating the growth of the national debt and interest payments required to service it.

But hey lets not stop here how is USA road infrastructure doing ?? health care change ??? at all or is it more people not on health care anymore ,, what about actual GDP what is USA making other then worthless money ??? what
where are the jobs opening up in the US ??? construction ?? or fast food ??? whats the time line from a person losing a job to getting another ???
and most importantly whats the education system doing ??? is it much better then 10 years ago ?? are them grds getting work right out of school ??
I stopped reading at stolen election. Thats when Sore and Loserman acted like little fucking kids and I went to the court house and registered as a republican. I do not have a history of voting for just one side but that spoiled rotten sore loser was to much of an embarrassment to be part of anymore after that. A blemish on the democratic party that more cow bell ain't going to fix.
Ha, to you people, the truth has a liberal bias.
No idea but from what I understand polls are scientific proof of something we agree with and bullshit made up stats when we don't.

I only believe the approval ratings polls that I agree with, so unless both Bush AND Obama have low ratings, I'll remain skeptical.

Well put. Statistics (and poll numbers) can be found to support nearly any position. You have to be very careful with asking "average voters" anything:

"When looking at a map of the world, young Americans had a difficult time correctly identifying Iraq (1 in 7) and Afghanistan (17%). This isn’t that surprising, but only a slim majority (51%) knew where New York was. According to Forbes and National Geographic, an alarming 29% couldn’t point to the Pacific Ocean."

Or, as Winston Churchill said, the best argument against Democracy is a 5 minute conversation with the average voter. Bread and circuses. The complaint of an uninformed, uncaring electorate has been around since at least the 6th Century.