Natures Green Remedies 2.0


i ordered two days ago.
sent an email about the loompa promo no answer.
but got the "shipped" email w/ tracking number for my stuff.

looks like, to me, they didnt pay their host fees.
maybe they're changing host due to traffic.

or for freedom from local law... like moving to a UK host... cause they're pushing the boundaries.

these threads are ALL stupid.
i'd delete this section & all its content if this was my site.

should be a 420 rule... u grow... u like seeds... use private messages.
or a sub forum w/ another password for the locals ;-)
Hope the site isnt done with now becaise of stupid internet drama...

just made 2 orders withing couple days of each other. First was dynasty caramel candy kush by itself, got the dynasty freebie and mace freebie with that order and the second was rugburn og and dank commander from rd got freebies with that order too. I have always had great service from them and much rather order online through them than anywhere else

i ordered two days ago.
sent an email about the loompa promo no answer.
but got the "shipped" email w/ tracking number for my stuff.

looks like, to me, they didnt pay their host fees.
maybe they're changing host due to traffic.

or for freedom from local law... like moving to a UK host... cause they're pushing the boundaries.

these threads are ALL stupid.
i'd delete this section & all its content if this was my site.

should be a 420 rule... u grow... u like seeds... use private messages.
or a sub forum w/ another password for the locals ;-)

They don't offer us a passworded section, we do with what we got.
I did notice that some of the banners were loading slow the other day. Maybe there is something up with their host. I'd like to see a site upgrade myself. Just sayin....
man! With N down and Firestax website debacle I'm getting nervous! Haven't ordered euro in like 2 years. Plus all the breeders I want are only on those 2. Pray for Mojo!
the NGR site is completely down w/ no redirect?
little odd if you have traffic & sales, why not redirect the flow of clicks?

ill update soon as the results are in on my order.

looks like NGR printed a ship label & gave me confirmation.
but i see no updates on package movement. been two days.
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Ok guys, i talked to the man in charge just now! Everything is fine, they are just doing maintenance on the site and totally revamping it @TubeAndJar so that upgrade is happening.
Hit up if you still wanna place orders. Your gonna have to use the search box to find what you want.
Nothing to worry about new site will be up soon!
i wouldn't just yet.
still waiting on mine placed a few days ago.

the NGR site is completely down w/ no redirect.
little odd if you have traffic & sales, why not redirect the flow of clicks?

ill update soon as the results are in on my order.

looks like NGR printed a ship label & gave me confirmation.
but i see no updates on package movement. been two days.

Well they are a ma and pa shop. lots of work with limited help. they are working hard to redo the site right now and everything will be back up soon.
the man in charge said you can just hit up to place orders. he thought we all would be smart enough to check that site but none of us on here thought to do that.
He is adding a search bar now so we can search for stuff we want.
as for your order, theres absolutely nothing to worry about. i imagine its not NGR that takes long to ship,
but the post office pokes ass to process everything once they get the orders. i can imagine our orders sitting in some pile at a post office for days sometimes... while were here blaming NGR for being too lazy to ship our orders... SMH
good to hear. nobody is blaming them for anything bro.
a) im a veteran of the game & b) very clear in my language.

hopefully everything will be smooth, promos included, and i can order again.
no more europe for me. ever.

just placed my NGR order at a weird time.
Took a few days for my label to update I ordered last Friday and I got shipping Monday. It didn't go out to Wednesday. Package should be here within the hour. As far as tracking not updating give it a little.