Well-Known Member
but they are basically southern states..maybe lincoln was trying to ease them into?
is washington dc northern or southern?
They were Union states. They did not secede and were allowed to keep their slaves. I think he didn't want them freed there so that those four states would not secede as well. It would have been horrible timing, with Union forces making headway into the southern states and having recently taken Tenessee.
My statement was Lincoln freed no slaves in the U.S. He freed them in a foreign country(CSA). That statement is correct. Even though the Union had taken Tenessee, it was still a CSA state, but was occupied by Union forces. The CSA would have tried eventually(once the war turned in their favor, which it never did) to take it back. Thankfully, the Union kept making gains and eventually the Confederates surrendered. Now we have no more legal slavery.
Unfortunately, slavery continues to this day in America and there are more slaves in the world now, than in the entire 300+ years of the African slave trade. It's sad, really.