Well-Known Member
I'm not asking you to prove to me that NASA or its astronauts visited the moon, nor am I asking you to prove to me that transgender individuals become transgender for the sole purpose of being a sexual predator. I am however, asking you to provide examples where others have proved this. A simple query can find such examples for man visiting the moon, thus man visiting moon is something we can debate. If you can now be so kind as to provide examples of transgender individuals becoming transgender for the sole purpose of being a sexual predator, we can debate that. As I said before, until such time, your entire assertion is based on speculation and holds no merit, even philosophically.
Actually see, I didn't really mean so much to say that transgenders intentionally become such to be sexual predators. I said that some non-trans men who are already sexual predators would (IMO) use the "I identify as a woman" thing (in their case, just a lie) to gain access to situations that give them an advantage.
And yes, I guess some trans men could be pedophiles as well.
I also said that women in the US are very accustomed to not seeing any males in their public bathrooms.
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