Why are ny outdoor plants flowering?


Well-Known Member
If had them outside a no 99th and they are starting to flower(i think) we have been getting at least 15 hours of sunlight. The strain is la con. Does anybody have any idea. Oh and when I was taking pics of the buds I saw a spider mite in one of the pictures haha so I gotta spray for those. Can you spot the spider mite


Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
They could be flowering. The first of May is a bit early to put them out. But the days are long enough now, they will revert to veg. Or they are just pre-flowering. Either way should be no worries.

OG Gardenz

Active Member
Here on the west coast I typically put clones outside no sooner then June 1st. Any sooner and they risk going into flower depending on strain. I have had better luck putting seed stock out as early as mid to late April. In my opinion 15 hours of light is right there for a clone...? Clones are waiting for any chance they can get to go into flower...

OG Gardenz

Active Member
They do look like they are flowering... as supertramp says they should be fine but you will probably lose a bit of time waiting for them to revert back to veg.

You might try giving them Humic Acid and Kelp... Humic helps make nutrients available and the kelp is loaded with plant growth hormones which should help them get back on the vegative train.


Well-Known Member
I put mine out the first week of May and 2 have started to shoot pistils out. I might just force flower the lot just to harvest a month or so early.