1. Never leave your place of residence with your ganja. I realize that for those who do not grow its impossible to not have mary in your car because chances are you have to drive to pick up. Have a safe place in your car to stash your stash(behind air vents, under your front or rear bumper, inside your shoe-cops will almost never search your shoes).
Obviously depends on the amounts/substances we are talking about, and distance that needs to be travelled, but back seats are removable and have great cavities
For small personal amounts, a truck driver put me on to this, but how often do the cops open the fuel filler flap?
3. Keep your mouth shut
Golden Rule! And I know this is about avoidance but if you are young, silly and have a car full of people and have been hammered by the cops and it looks like all of you are going to get in trouble for various amounts of small things, then man up and take the lot on the chin, especially if you are the driver, you will be suprised how karma works in the long run. Mind you if there is a person in the car that has serious priors then obviously it shouldn't be him (This tips for youngens lol)
5. Text messaging your dealer is not a good idea, ever. Call him and use slang/code to say what you want. People have been caught because of texting there dealers, even dealers have been caught.
Texting can be done with pre conceived slang, but most will not appreciate it, and for phone call slang if its a pick up then, "hey Ive had a bad day mate, do you mind if I stop over and have a beer and a chat?" Middleman pickups for the harder stuff - "Do you still want that lift to your mums/dads?" If its a drop off then "hey are we still going out tonight because 5 of us need a lift?" each person representing an oz or g or whatever was prearranged...
7. If you go out try not to smell like weed. Do an air out of your car, spray perfume/cologne, chew gum/mints, etc. Cops are trained to detect smells and as you know, marijuana isnt exactly what febreeze looks for in fresh scents.
I would like to add clear eyes also, no need to advertise as you say...
14. When picking up: If your picking up indoors then always make sure to walk in with something(ie: small box, backpack, gift box, opaque drinking container-empty) to make it less obvious that you just picked up a fat sac. If picking up at a random outside location make sure to great the dealer like there your friend. Talk to them for a bit to make it less obvious. The golden rule of outdoor pick ups is to place one hand(in a fist) in there vehicle with the money. Once dealer has money chat with him a little longer as he hands you the sac. Always pick the sac up with the same hand thats already in the vehicle. As you turn to walk away turn so that the hand with the sac is against the vehicle as you slip it into there pocket. Something i used to do when i had to pick up outside was carry a unicef box with some change in it and ask the dealer to donate. Give em the box(money already inside), he puts the sac in the box, you say thank you and be on your way.
For outside deals then a handshake to greet him initially and give the cash, shoot the shit have a laugh and then a handshake to say goodbye where you get the drugs. Hopefully this is a dealer though where there is trust and dealer has no need to count the money and receiver has no need to check quality/weight, otherwise all bets are really off with outside/car deals etc