injunction/court case updates

Yup, biased tweeting confirmed.

Crown speaks of lack of security patients use. Crown also questions about stagnant water causing mold and humidity and waste of water. Had a witness that used 1.7g a day maximum., Had a patient grow in a grow box, rapidly upgraded to a tent, spent 500$ on a 8000$ grow box but the money wasnt a "waste" as now they grow tomatoe seeds in it LOLyarite.
can you heavy reader post serious points? I didn't think we saw anything from the other side.... that's not good
i read some of this and we did only really get very little snippets. you can't fit much into 140 character tweets
well Friday has come and gone so for this case, Friday's weren't so happy...let's hope it's this week
HC sure went after Shawn Davies...can you imagine being told that you have enough money if you stopped growing to at least buy part of your meds? How fucking stupid of HC. I only got to about pg 150...a little ways to go!
HC sure went after Shawn Davies...can you imagine being told that you have enough money if you stopped growing to at least buy part of your meds? How fucking stupid of HC. I only got to about pg 150...a little ways to go!
I'm almost there too and they tore him up. they sure didn't treat him like he had any mental impairments-like a brain injury! they full on went after him. i really think that was unfair and not cool but i guess that HC- win at all costs no matter what the cost...even if it's lives.