Balcony grow colorado!


This is my 2nd personal grow but i help out with a med grow as an assistent. Got a nice little cut from kindlove of flo!
will post pics once I get this app
Alright heres my little baby flo when I first got her, at the smoke table =), the second picture is after I transplanted into a Gallon jug.


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For this grow I will be using Roots Organic nutes, I will be following their schedule mostly but 50% of recommended. also have some organic calcium, Epsom salts, a silicon supplement I believe bulletproof ( sparingly) and a few other trace fun stuff. The medium is Tupir, which is a coco coir mix, very light and fluffy, drains and dries well/

This baby will be getting 6-8 hrs of direct sunlight minus some clouds here and there, cfls to keep its cycles in check otherwise.
This lucky girl gets to hide inside on cold nights and during any bad weather.
You gonna be able to grow a bush on your balcony in an apartment complex without some po-po dropping in because a passer-by seen that shit?

Or worse - someone keeps an eye on that and snatches it up when the fruits are ripe?
I didnt notice the background in your pic i advice you delete it bro. I would tweak personally. Looks solid start besides that though..
Ha well I understand why people think it would be bad! but here in Colorado you can grow up to 6 plants totally legally. im a few floors up so I doubt somebody would climb. I am in a nice area. I put it up high like that for a lil bit but when its actually noticeable I will be providing obstruction via other plants. Its actually not that noticeable. So no po-po will come to my door to give me grief about my legal right. and if they do, all they can say is put it inside!
Im just saying.
But your asking for someone to take your plant.
Ive had to break into my apt through the sliding glass door i never lock on my balcony..its pretty easy and quick

Other than that good luck, looks nice.
I wouldnt smoke around your plants though, can increase ethylene gas too much

I tied some strings to the three main branches, it was clearly topped before I received it, which is great. My goal is to spread it out horizontal and low as much as possible for exposure to the sun and also because it will blend in better with my other plants that Ill be getting next week!

The soil is still damp from when I soaked it in on the transplant so I haven't had a chance to get it any nutes. Guna be slow playing it until I see some roots touching the edge.

And qwwiso I know what ya mean. I do bring it in at night and its usually only outside when I or my Girl are home, cfls otherwise. But I do work for a med company, so this doesn't mean anything for me other than a learning experience really. If somebody climbed to the 4th floor for it the off chance somebody isn't home, then props to that asshole, Id be sad but it wouldn't kill me. My doors and patio STAY locked.
Youll have to ask a mod to edit it for you, no biggie, theyre more than happy to help.
I would cover that "pot"
Keep the sunlight off as well as not heating the roots too much. A simple towel would suffice
^^ this is exactly why I came to RIU, thanks!
The little things that count.
Okay I am not even sure how to ask the mods but I am sure that I can figure that out, thanks for the help.
I admire your ambition, man. I am in CO too. The law states the plants must be in an enclosed and locked area.
Any one of your neighbors or any one that sees it can call it in. You will pay the consequences for not having it in what is their definition of "enclosed." I took this excerpt -

"Adults over age 21 can purchase, possess, grow and transport as many as 6 marijuana plants, as long as it is not displayed in public and not sold. Only three of the plants can be mature at any one time. If the home has residents under the age of 21, the grow area must be enclosed and locked in a separate space that the minors cannot access."

from -

I am not trying to be negative, just don't wanna see you get wrapped up.
Yup its all good I understand. I think that my high up balcony is "enclosed" and only accessed by two locked points, displayed in public however is interesting I cant believe I missed it. Well hey that's what a little greenhouse film can help with eh? this is a working progress and Im trying to get this all figured out while its a lil inconspicuous baby. and might even leave it in the gallon pot to keep the size down and cute. Like a puppy forever
check your local ordinances as well, at least where I'm at it's illegal in multi-family dwellings including apartments, townhomes, condos, and duplexes. I'd also bet good money it's against your lease.
My clones were sourced from Kind Love as well, very happy with what they're doing so far. Best of luck to you!
They seem like they do things right,, I am a fan of what theyv got going on there.

Yeah my apt discusses "equipment" but im sure theyd shake a stick at me if they knew. My leasing manager was like a phish groupy though, so I might be in luck aha. =P , so I'm breakin a few rules... oopsy ha, ill do my best to be low key and im working on removing those first pics.

As for the girl, shes leveling out nice and even between the three branches and he inner nodes are poking up to be their own shoots soon. Low and wide is my goal here, itl be easier to hide with the height I have on the balcony with no buildings across from me and nobody above. doin my best.

Qwizo, how to your girls take to the balcony/indoor life? seems some people thing itl stress them chaging light like that but honestly real life has clouds etc, cant be too aweful id hope.
Ive never had issues. Or ever had to "harden off" even on full outdoor grows. But my balcony only gets good sun from like 2 to about 7, can easily hit 100°..
I put a couple cfls behind em with some foil to reflect more light, as the sun only hits one side ya know. Anyway, they dont get any other lighting. My real lights are all taken, the outdoor is extra.

And they do just fine, really good actually