The Official "RIU History" Thread

so the civil war enslaved southern blacks then?


except the south seceded and then started a war with the union.

the guy who says the civil war enslaved people thinks i'm confused.

You should read's from an account of the civil war, sort of interesting.

The Emancipation Proclamation was a "war measure," as Lincoln put it. Foreign correspondents covering the war recognized it as a brilliant propaganda coup. Emancipation would take place only in rebel states not under Union control, their state sovereignty in the matter of slavery arguably forfeited as a result of their having seceded from the Union. The president could not abolish slavery; if not done at the state level, abolition would require a constitutional amendment. Slaveholders and their slaves in Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, Delaware, Tennessee, and parts of Virginia and Louisiana occupied by Union troops were exempt from the edict. Slaves in the Confederacy would be "forever free" on January 1, 1863– one hundred days after the Proclamation was issued – but only if a state remained in "rebellion" after that date. Rebel states that rejoined the Union and sent elected representatives to Congress before January 1, 1863 could keep their slaves. Such states would no longer be considered in rebellion and so their sovereignty regarding the peculiar institution would be restored. As the London Spectator put it, in its October 11, 1862 issue: "The principle [of the Proclamation] is not that a human being cannot justly own another, but that he cannot own him unless he is loyal to the United States."
You should read's from an account of the civil war, sort of interesting.

i didn't read it, but i did google it since you failed to attribute your work.

turns out it was written by lew rockwell, the same white supremacist who (rumor has it) penned rawn pawl's racist newsletters.

no surprise you would think someone like that is a good source f information though.

i prefer my analyses to be from people who don't think that their skin color gives them special superiority over others. but that's just me.
i didn't read it, but i did google it since you failed to attribute your work.

turns out it was written by lew rockwell, the same white supremacist who (rumor has it) penned rawn pawl's racist newsletters.

no surprise you would think someone like that is a good source f information though.

i prefer my analyses to be from people who don't think that their skin color gives them special superiority over others. but that's just me.

Actually it was written by Dr. Donald Miller and published at Lew Rockwell.

I'm not surprised you didn't read it though.

Abraham Lincoln was a racist, dig him up and shit on his stove pipe hat.
Actually it was written by Dr. Donald Miller and published at Lew Rockwell.

I'm not surprised you didn't read it though.

Abraham Lincoln was a racist, dig him up and shit on his stove pipe hat.

oh, you mean the same "dr." donald miller who says that HIV is harmless, vaccines are harmful, and global warming is a hoax (same theory as KKK grand wizard david duke)?

yeah, i'd trust that guy.
oh, you mean the same "dr." donald miller who says that HIV is harmless, vaccines are harmful, and global warming is a hoax (same theory as KKK grand wizard david duke)?

yeah, i'd trust that guy.

Grand Wizard David Duke has two arms and two do you...oh my fucking gawd!!!! You're a racist!!!
Grand Wizard David Duke has two arms and two do you...oh my fucking gawd!!!! You're a racist!!!

he has two arms, two legs, and a theory about global warming being a hoax, which you share.

also, if "dr." donald miller is a good source of information, then go contract HIV, since it is harmless. or expose yourself to masive amounts of radiation, since it as well is harmless.

put your money where your mouth is, dumb old racist.
Why does Buchannan get ranked near the bottom of the list of presidents while Lincoln gets ranked at the top?

Because of his leadership in dealing with the Civil War, arguably the most important time in American history after the revolution
he has two arms, two legs, and a theory about global warming being a hoax, which you share.

also, if "dr." donald miller is a good source of information, then go contract HIV, since it is harmless. or expose yourself to masive amounts of radiation, since it as well is harmless.

put your money where your mouth is, dumb old racist.

I am not an expert on global warming. I am skeptical of anything promoted by a coercive government.

You've shit on floors, and bragged about it, does that mean everything you say is invalid?
I am not an expert on global warming. I am skeptical of anything promoted by a coercive government.

You've shit on floors, and bragged about it, does that mean everything you say is invalid?

you should inject yourself with HIV since it is harmless, according to the sources you trust.
you should inject yourself with HIV since it is harmless, according to the sources you trust.

That must be why they're called something completely different, huh..

Coulda fooled me..
Let's see..... the colonies declared independence from Britain, the South declared independence from the Union. Not seeing the difference. Just because you choose to use different words to describe the same thing doesn't make them different. Just shows you think labels are more important than what is being described.
Let's see..... the colonies declared independence from Britain, the South declared independence from the Union. Not seeing the difference. Just because you choose to use different words to describe the same thing doesn't make them different. Just shows you think labels are more important than what is being described.
Have fun calling apples oranges then, I couldn't give less of a shit