I dont smoke pot but really wanna grow!


Well-Known Member
For some reason i cant smoke pot (still in high school and doing sports) (random drug tests) but i always have that urge to grow weed for some reason.What should I do!!
:cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss:
Try growing some tomato plants??? :idea:

haha lol that's a good one, but marijuana has that feeling, you know that certain smell, shape, color like no other plant.
I smoked a couple of times. Only 30's that tastes like shit. Ive never tried good weed. 30's is the worst weed I think.
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urmm, id say grow it if u can then. u can always sell it to someone in high school. then once u finished ur sports exams or drug tests or whatever u can smoke ur crop :)
urmm, id say grow it if u can then. u can always sell it to someone in high school. then once u finished ur sports exams or drug tests or whatever u can smoke ur crop :)

thanks man, found someone who actually has hope man. Thanks!:mrgreen::joint:
well i'd say if you want to do it....do it.

everythings worth a shot. if it dont work out you can always try again.

have fun :peace:
try to master hydroponic strawberrys,once u can do it then you will be able grow anything itake it u are not 18 so my advise is take some time and get your own place b4 you get mom and dad pissed.

Oh trust me, Ive grown in front of my parents, they dont even notice. kiss-ass
For some reason i cant smoke pot (still in high school and doing sports) (random drug tests) but i always have that urge to grow weed for some reason.What should I do!!
:cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss: :cuss:

i think you wanna grow weed to make moneh! knowing fully well you won't get high off your own supply.

no one would actually grow plants with the risk of getting caught for no apparent reason.
haha, i wish.

i'm just saying why grow plants for no reason accept smell and look, when getting caught could put you in jug, why not grow orchids they look and smell pretty.
You got seeds? Try it out...if not then just get a few pots some compost and some seeds from a good mate who won't blab and have a go...it may not work but hell - if it does you know you can grow stuff.

Although - I reckon you should try tomatos or chillis first as your not old enough...AND it does seem daft doing it when you don't even smoke it and aren't gonna sell it either - what would you do with it if it worked out? At least with tomatos or chillis your parents can get some use out of them. (have a look on ebay for chili or tomato seeds...or buy some then take the seeds out, dry them in the airing cupboard then germinate...) :hump:

Granted, I don't smoke a lot but I wanna have a "stash" and I'd rather know where it came from and its half about having fun along the way too...if you ask me anyway!

Oh yeah - the greenhouse is a good place for a couple plants if yours is useable...just a load cheaper than having to buy lights and stuff
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If you get busted by your parent selling for profit, don't be one of those kids on the news saying you learned from this site or the internet.