What should be my response?

i still say you should stop by @MaryJaneFamily420 or send the neighbor that doesnt like us by. I would be glad to speek with her about it and see if there are legitimate concerns i can work on or if shes just being a cunt. there are multiple neighbors that she can talk to that support what i do and learn she is in the minority with this opinion she should have learned that when the county voted last month or taken some of her time to go to county meetings and make her opinion heard. There are more weed clubs in valley springs a city of 7000 than stockton a city with 300,000. This county collects a good amount of tax money from those clubs, they voted 5 to 1 not to place any restrictions on it, just stick with state law.
i still say you should stop by @MaryJaneFamily420 or send the neighbor that doesnt like us by. I would be glad to speek with her about it and see if there are legitimate concerns i can work on or if shes just being a cunt. there are multiple neighbors that she can talk to that support what i do and learn she is in the minority with this opinion she should have learned that when the county voted last month or taken some of her time to go to county meetings and make her opinion heard. There are more weed clubs in valley springs a city of 7000 than stockton a city with 300,000. This county collects a good amount of tax money from those clubs, they voted 5 to 1 not to place any restrictions on it, just stick with state law.

She was there at the county meeting, in fact she is a probation officer. She has her mind made up, does not like medical or recreational. It's like talking to a brick wall. She claimed to see weed ruin lives and that it is worse than alcohol. We are lucky the sherif doesn't agree with her and is pro pot, but he will be retiring soon and they will try to ban it again...... They voted to leave it as it is until 2016 but plan to put restrictions in the future.

Apparently there is a rift in the sherifs department, while the main head, sheriff Kuntz is pro pot he has other officers working for him that are very anti pot. They tried to replace him because they think he should retire and let some anti pot military cop from Oakland run the sheriffs office so they can "clean up".
So uhhhh neighborhood watch is talking about medical grows in the neighborhood and some cunt ask.

And where do we get the money to pay to protect those of us that dont grow,and live next door ?We already need more law enforcement and have no money.???

Does anyone have a better response than I do, I want to tell her to fuck off and mind her own business. Because yeah, before they come to rip me off for my 6 plants, they are going to stop by next door and rape you.......wtf
Ask her if we have to pay for
security to protect her nice car,
or gold jewelry? We are entitled to have nice things that other people
want. Dont punish the law abiding medical grow for the fact that people might want to steel it. Lowlife people will always be out looking to target someone. From her perspective, better you than her.
If you want to be social in today's world where woman are
You may consider dropping the C word from your vocabulary
It's offensive and conveys a certain ignorance

Now what was the question again?
If you want to be social in today's world where woman are
You may consider dropping the C word from your vocabulary
It's offensive and conveys a certain ignorance

Now what was the question again?

What certain ignorance would that be?
As a female I probably should be offended, but I'm not. Maybe because of how many times Ive called guys dicks. The term just doesn't hold that much power to me.
As a female I probably should be offended, but I'm not. Maybe because of how many times Ive called guys dicks. The term just doesn't hold that much power to me.

The words of a stranger should hold zero intrinsic value if what they're saying has no basis in reality... To many people want to fly off the handle over the most trivial thing like, words..