Hair follicle test .. am I fucked??


New Member
I smoked dabs and all kinds of beautiful buds in March April at a festival and some in may but very infrequently.
Recently I got pinned down by a piece of metal on my toe so my employer sent me out for a drug UA test twice. They came back negative but diluted! Now to be very clear on the results they sent me for a hair test :shock:. I'm freaking out! They sent it to Psychmedics and they said it goes back 3 months of use. So, .. am I fucked??:roll:


New Member
No, It wasn't my fault I just happened to be standing and a piece of metal dropped onto my foot
So even if I'm infrequent you think it would be test positive?


New Member
You should read the side effects of this pain medication I was prescribed.
I will let you guys know if I passed the test by some miracle
Take a cup of regular powdered tide. Work it into wet hair. Cover with shower cap let sit 30in. Next saturate with cider vinegar, cover wait another 30. Then put clean and clear brand acne astringent. Another 30. Rinse and use hot oil treatment so u aren't fried. I have passed 6 tests this way


Well-Known Member
Soak your hair in undiluted bleach for 24 hours.. don't know what will happen either you'll have some gnarly wizard hair or be dead... jk

Glad you passed, but yeah we are going to need some pics


Well-Known Member
No, It wasn't my fault I just happened to be standing and a piece of metal dropped onto my foot
So even if I'm infrequent you think it would be test positive?

Maybe if you weren't dabbed out last March you would have been able to use your spidey senses and leap out of the way.

Here's the way I see it. Unless you watered down your urine samples, your employer is lying about the diluted part. They came back negative but your employer wanted you subjected to further tests. That way the accident would be your fault even if you only smoked weed months ago.

You should have refused the test and hired a lawyer immediately to sue them for workman's comp. The nice thing about refusing a hair test is that you are not "destroying evidence" by not taking it immediately. They have no urgency like a pee test does.

Fuck. You had better "hire" a lawyer now and go psycho on them. Push for a settlement before the test comes back.