Are you PROUD of your SEMEN?

There's a few different versions of it. *geek* You should start a WoW account, and max out a char, so we can both stalk @sunni . Idk. Maybe we can get her to power level us. Warlords of Draenor just dropped...
I don't understand anything you just said.

I get enough fun internet from this place and youtbe. I have to play internet for work all the time now, so I like my time here for fun time to be both lewd and offensive,

If at all possible...
My semen is a disappointment.

Takes forever to coax out of its hiding hole, and for all that work it's only a tablespoon. Nothing to be proud of.

Although this one time this chick gave me serious blue balls. Well after walking around like I got kicked in the nuts all day we finally had a chance to relieve the pressure.

So much built up she couldn't swallow it all. Seriously she's running to the bathroom to spit it in the sink before she chokes to death and I still had a few loads worth all over myself... and the sheets... and her shirt... and the floor, and the ceiling, and a little hit the cat as well.

But I tell you what... that was by far the best orgasm I've ever had. Almost worth the blue balls.

but, still ♥
Two whales swimming through the ocean. The first whale says to the second, "see that boat over there? Lets swim under it and blow air through our air holes and tip it over". The second whale says "that's a great idea". They swim under the boat and blow air through their air holes and the boat tips over. The first whale says "see all those people swimming around lets eat em"? The second whale says "I was cool with the blow job but swallowing semen is out of the question".
Two whales swimming through the ocean. The first whale says to the second, "see that boat over there? Lets swim under it and blow air through our air holes and tip it over". The second whale says "that's a great idea". They swim under the boat and blow air through their air holes and the boat tips over. The first whale says "see all those people swimming around lets eat em"? The second whale says "I was cool with the blow job but swallowing semen is out of the question".
I wish my kids were little I would send them to show and tell with that one.