Open carry in Texas passes

There's a lot more important things than cannabis related stuff, at least in my life. When it comes to priorities, cannabis and all the shit surrounding it takes a back seat to my other projects, hobbies, interests. Changes is just a part of growing up. Reminds me of the definition of a Republican/conservative - "a democrat that finally grew up."
A fascinating story, bro. You should tell it again.
There's a lot more important things than cannabis related stuff, at least in my life. When it comes to priorities, cannabis and all the shit surrounding it takes a back seat to my other projects, hobbies, interests. Changes is just a part of growing up. Reminds me of the definition of a Republican/conservative - "a democrat that finally grew up."

We've been able to open carry rifles and shotguns for a while now here in Texas, so it's just another type of gun you can carry openly now.

It's a grow site. Cannabis should be priority number one here. It's the one thing we ALL(for the most part) seem to enjoy. Some of us would like to grow openly, and as more than a hobby in Texas.

For folks who live in states with such draconian drug laws like ours and, dare I say, Oklahoma, ending the drug war SHOULD be priority number one. Certainly more important than open carrying a handgun.
Yeah, weird group of folks.

Shameful at how demeaning and disparaging they were of the black lady and her message. These are some pretty fucked up dudes even for a pot site.

Arrested development for sure. It's a waste of time attempting a serious conversation with this group of nuts.

So one dude spams penis and another dude likes the post.

Great representation of the left.
Yeah, weird group of folks.

Shameful at how demeaning and disparaging they were of the black lady and her message. These are some pretty fucked up dudes even for a pot site.

Arrested development for sure. It's a waste of time attempting a serious conversation with this group of nuts.


somehow still better than the blatant racism, homophobia, and misogyny that flows so freely from right wing fucktards such as yourselves.
somehow still better than the blatant racism, homophobia, and misogyny that flows so freely from right wing fucktards such as yourselves.

Funny shit coming from a self proclaimed member of a "White Supremacist" forum.

Your diversions aren't kidding anybody, we know what you are. Your true colors and black heart are coming out. You hate filled "Racist".
Funny shit coming from a self proclaimed member of a "White Supremacist" forum.

Your diversions aren't kidding anybody, we know what you are. Your true colors and black heart are coming out. You hate filled "Racist".

B-3, "no, YOU'RE the racist!!!!"

i just need an al sharpton and my bingo is complete.
Funny shit coming from a self proclaimed member of a "White Supremacist" forum.

Your diversions aren't kidding anybody, we know what you are. Your true colors and black heart are coming out. You hate filled "Racist".
Boring boring boring boring boring boring boring.

You can kiss my dick and my balls.
somehow still better than the blatant racism, homophobia, and misogyny that flows so freely from right wing fucktards such as yourselves.
B-3, "no, YOU'RE the racist!!!!"

i just need an al sharpton and my bingo is complete.
Boring boring boring boring boring boring boring.

You can kiss my dick and my balls.

Now, now, boys. I told you to stop teasing the rednecks. They are not smart enough to understand what you're saying, and they will be even more confused.

You heard it from the head "redneck" kids, knock it off; you're just making yourselves look stupid.
B-3, "no, YOU'RE the racist!!!!"

i just need an al sharpton and my bingo is complete.

BINGO!!!! I win AGAIN!!!

All hat, no cattle..... :)

didn't ronald reagan and george w bush both claim to live on "ranches" even though their "ranches" had no cattle?

also, weren't the white people who settled texas a bunch of illegal immigrant squatters who were viewed by the locals as lazy and no good for their reliance on and poor treatment of black slaves?

you white illegal immigrant slaveholders make todays wave of mexican illegal immigrants look like angels and saints by comparison.

fucking loser.
Maturity level in this thread has dropped below 0. Good job children.

you didn't enjoy my retelling of the story of how texas was settled by outlaw fugitive white squatters?

that was a hell of a history lesson (in irony).

not to mention conservative icons goerge w bush and ronnie reagan both having "ranches" with no cattle.

doesn't get much more pathetic than that.