Do some research, for science of course..


Well-Known Member
I'm kinda new to the research scene, I was looking for Sid the other night and some dude gave me these for free.. I got lay floor in the three rooms tonight.. I ate two hits and about to take a couple key bumps too...

Wish me luck, lol.IMG_20150612_175421.jpg


Well-Known Member
Haha looks tasty as fuck....both actually...... Gonna do lil hunting for research material soon .... Been awhile...... Have fun.....bump on yo!!...will report back with wat i find too!!


Well-Known Member
Naw the shit sucks, it feels like antidepressants.. And its already gone "the high" so 5 hours 1 hour was a little to much "regretting" then it smoothed out.. My take on it, it's Chinese candy.. I wouldn't spend my money on it.. There is no doubt in quality btw just the drug in general