Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Is it bad that people that sleep all the time actually anger me?

I have loads of friends that loooooove to sleep. It's like they are ALWAYS fucking sleeping. What the shit?

Who ever needs more than 8 hours? I usually get 5-7 hours. And that's totally enough for me.
I need 7-9 hours. More if I stay up late or workout. Or if I'm on my period

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I manage to function on 3
Im always trying to do too much

2 jobs, multiple grow houses.
My whole day is scheduled

this was my schedule for most of 2014...ive made some adjustments for this year
4-5 am rotate crops, water etc
5 am, check on/re up trap houses.
8-12 pm, trim and jar bud
12-3 pm, sleep
3-4, eat and clean up/shower and shit
4 pm, rotate crops
5Pm-3am, work
3-4 am, fuck one of my girls
Damn. You are crazy busy! I like a full schedule that doesn't change, but I need at least and hour or two before bed for shower food and unwind. I could never keep up a pac like that with three hours of sleep.


Well-Known Member
Happens to me sometimes, except since its a country club, they don't arrive 20min before close...Instead they CALL 5 minutes before close to let us know they're 20 minutes away, and they show up 45min after that.
sorry sir.
wrong number.


Well-Known Member
Happens to me sometimes, except since its a country club, they don't arrive 20min before close...Instead they CALL 5 minutes before close to let us know they're 20 minutes away, and they show up 45min after that.
Now those people are assholes. But you still got to serve them. The whole twenty minutes before closing thing isn't even slightly assholeish in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
I disagree. Its common courtesy. Just being a decent person and understanding the position of your fellow man. I dont go grocery shopping 10min before close because i know i cant finish in that time frame, what difference does it make if they were open when i walked in. I dont order food right before close and intend to eat it in the restaurant either. Usually wont order at all because i understand they then have to prepare and clean afterword, and theyve already begun. Lol imagine going to the bank and setting up an account 20 before close, they would be pissed.


Well-Known Member
Now those people are assholes. But you still got to serve them. The whole twenty minutes before closing thing isn't even slightly assholeish in my opinion.
You might need to have worked in the restaurant industry for this to ring true with you.

The kitchen staff often start to clean and put stuff away before close. Maybe there hasn't been a customer ordering food for an hour, most of the time they are trying to get a head start on cleaning because it takes like 2 hours depending on the size of the kitchen.

So ordering food 20 mins before close isn't just making the staff stay an extra 20 mins. It's making to staff stay an extra 2 HOURS and 20 mins.

And cooks don't get tips. Which sucks. Also the reason I chose to work front of the house in all city restaurants I worked at.

I think it's a dick move. Just my opinion though.


Well-Known Member
Same reason all "dro" taste the same and has a crappy similar high.
Same reason tomatoes are loosing their innards
This is happening to most produce.

Now we have watermelon that just taste like sugar water, in attempts to increase distribution theyve destroyed their market. Now our sandwiches suffer, our lungs suffer, and our taste buds.

They can still be found, just not at a super market