Also I use bartend and wait tables back in day, I use to tell the new girls that they had to empty the coffee pot machine of all the hot water and handed them a bucket.. They sit there trying to drain the coffee maker that was hooked up via to water line, until someone would ask them what are you doing?.
Also I would dip my hand in the flour and slap them on the butt gently leaving a big white hand print on their black pants..
Also throw ice cubes in their aprons as they would walk up to their tables the ice cubes would melt looking like they just pissed their pants... I ruined a girls Iphone by doing this so I stopped..
My chef once told a server "the plates are hot" and this server kept grabbing them with his bare hands and dropping them onto his tray real quick cause they were so hot, fucking up presentation.
So my chef took a blow torch to the rim of a plate, and when the server picked up up bare handed, BOOM, no more fingerprints. I thought that was a real dick move, and I wanted to get him fired for that. I really don't like to fuck with my co-workers, it sucks enough to be working for assholes, let alone working WITH assholes.
Though, once this girl server ordered in a leg of Lamb, and I told her we were out of the right leg, and to go ask if the left leg was ok...She actually went to the table and asked if left leg was ok, and the dude who ordered it got in on the fun and said
"No, I want the right leg only."...
After a couple back and forths from the table to the kitchen, she finally realized we were fucking with her, and ended up in tears. I felt bad. It was harmless fun, but I ruined that girls night. I liked her too, she was really nice, even if she was a little ditzy.