Twilight LED Grow Light Questions

Each company has their own company name, so customers can distinguish one from the next. You using some one else's company name is deceiving, wrong, and illegal.

Also, there is a such thing as Intellectual Property Rights. Which brings us to the whole "illegal" thing. It's illegal in China too, don't think I can't reach you from the USA. I'll hit you with a lawsuit so quick your eyes will spin so bad you will be Japanese for a month.

Please do, we don't need anymore blurple panels from copy cats in china.
If you respected A51's property rights, you wouldn't have stolen my company name to try to sell your lights. You are a lazy criminal.
We respect your property rights, we use area 51 without unknown, and we delete it. if you want to hit us by lawsiut, we have no idea.
You should be worried...
I never worry, I am confident with our lights.
I'd be worried... If I were some no good Chinaman thief, I'd be on my (probably stolen) moped to the Chinamountains to live in hiding.

Hey twilightled, you have already proved you have no integrity by trying to rip off the A51 brand in your advertising. I personally own 3 A51 panels, you know the real ones. Many people around here do also. These lights are proven quality. So the only decent thing to do now is leave and quit trying to peddle your garbage lights around here. Like I said it's obvious you have no integrity so the trust factor in your lights is gone.
I'm hijacking this thread. Fuck Twilight LED.

So, the new A51 lamp...

It was designed to accept more than just the Vero 29 v2. It can also house the CXB 3590, or a circular circuit board that can accept up to 40 LEDs.

Cooling is the best it has ever been for A51, watt for watt, we're at our best here. The Vero 29 test panels are coming in 24C - 29C, as long as you keep your grow room temps in check, 72-82F, you'll get the lower temps.

So, besides (and in addition to) the Vero 29 V2 and CXB 3590s, what do y'all want to see? Another red/white panel? Blue/red? Red/white/blue? Green/yellow/cyan? Rellow??
I'm hijacking this thread. Fuck Twilight LED.

So, the new A51 lamp...

It was designed to accept more than just the Vero 29 v2. It can also house the CXB 3590, or a circular circuit board that can accept up to 40 LEDs.

Cooling is the best it has ever been for A51, watt for watt, we're at our best here. The Vero 29 test panels are coming in 24C - 29C, as long as you keep your grow room temps in check, 72-82F, you'll get the lower temps.

So, besides (and in addition to) the Vero 29 V2 and CXB 3590s, what do y'all want to see? Another red/white panel? Blue/red? Red/white/blue? Green/yellow/cyan? Rellow??

I agree with the 730nm idea. You should check out my 555 timer based design for an idea.. So far my design has been working exactly as intended. (turns the 730nm on for a 8-9 minutes when the main lights go out)... No micros... or use a more purely digital design based on digital counters... of course any working design is better than no working design. At your scale, I'm sure you could really simplify the design.
It's hard to boost anything above 670nm without delving into no-name Chinacrap LEDs. I've had my fill of Chinamen for a while...
730 nm at lights out might be an option worth looking at.

Cool white with a boost from 680-700nm might be worthwhile as well.

I want to address the (Chinese) elephant in the room...

Twilight needs to go. They are junk. They are overpriced even by reseller standards. And they are thieves.

My idea:

@rollitup should refund @twilightled2015 for their advertising price. No one wants to do business with shady criminals, right?

Then, A51 will make up for the lost cash in Potroast's hippy jeans and pay what Twilight paid, and A51 will become a sponsor in its place, and Twilight will be deleted and forgotten.

To be fair, area 51 is already the name of a the place where we hide aliens.
Area 51 the military base near Groom Lake is what you're talking about.

I'm being specific to Area 51 LED, those combination of words is a company name, that is Intellectual Property Rights owned by, well, myself. I have paid for it, and that protects my company from those that want to infringe.

"Area 51" and "Area 51 LED" are two different things.

Just like @Greengenes707 new company, Pacific Lighting Concepts.

Gene doesn't own the rights to the "Pacific Coast" or the word "Pacific", but does own the combination of words and rights to "Pacific Lighting Concepts".

Seems Gene will do good as a company. Honesty and quality sells. Not hype and BS. He knows.

I wish him the best, I hope he is as successful as I am. There's plenty of $millions for him out there too without stepping on my toes.
The idea that you can pay for a name seems as silly to me as people buying stars.. but it's the law, right? Considering I don't have an interest in your company, my biggest issue is that these sellers are trying to deceive customers into thinking they're buying your product, not that they're hitting your sales. (not a fan of IP here, so very little sympathy toward the IP owner by principle. After all, you're selling a product, not a name, right?)
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It's hard to boost anything above 670nm without delving into no-name Chinacrap LEDs. I've had my fill of Chinamen for a while...

That's why I haven't played with it myself. I thought maybe you would be better at sourcing such a product. If it's not out there, it's not out there.
The law's the law. Some of it is wrong, of course. Some of it protects people and businesses.
The idea that you can pay for a name seems as silly to me as people buying stars.. but it's the law, right? Considering I don't have an interest in your company, my biggest issue is that these sellers are trying to deceive customers into thinking they're buying your product, not that they're hitting your sales.

I have connects for colors 670-1150nm with 5-15nm increments, but it's all low end. Consider it the Mexican brick weed of LEDs. Just not worth it.
That's why I haven't played with it myself. I thought maybe you would be better at sourcing such a product. If it's not out there, it's not out there.
You're not the 1st person to ask me about it. It's a hot topic really... I just don't want to deal with 100mw of output per 1w of input. That's the numbers I'm getting for 670+.

I do keep checking though... Someday...
I'm hijacking this thread. Fuck Twilight LED.

So, the new A51 lamp...

It was designed to accept more than just the Vero 29 v2. It can also house the CXB 3590, or a circular circuit board that can accept up to 40 LEDs.

Cooling is the best it has ever been for A51, watt for watt, we're at our best here. The Vero 29 test panels are coming in 24C - 29C, as long as you keep your grow room temps in check, 72-82F, you'll get the lower temps.

So, besides (and in addition to) the Vero 29 V2 and CXB 3590s, what do y'all want to see? Another red/white panel? Blue/red? Red/white/blue? Green/yellow/cyan? Rellow??
I like modular units but a big bad unit to cover a 4x4 scrog would be awesome . Something with more power than the newer 1000 DE units going around would be nice. again modular is great but if you start reaching out to the "commercial" set ups I think you may invade a new market . Just an idea . I'd like to see personally a cob that kills a double ended in technical numbers and in reality by growing as well . Than I can talk shit about how old their set ups are .