Check this out any help would be great


Well-Known Member
i think i got fungus nats! who's got remedies?
SM_90L_by_NutraL_4e83abf3aa037-500x500.jpg yellow-sticky-traps-fungus-gnats.jpg

SM-90 will kill the fungus gnat larvae which are the deadly part of fungus gnats as they eat away at your plants roots. Apply 2-3 ml of SM-90 per gallon
Yellow Sticky cards will attract the adults and prevent anymore breeding.

Fungus gnats need a moist environment in order to lay eggs, which is the wet soil after you water. Try to only water your plant when the first 1-2 inches of topsoil is dry. Also, a fan will help as they hate moving air.

You can also sprinkle food-grade diatomaceous earth over exposed parts of soil. This just looks like powder to us but it's like tiny razor blades to the larvae.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
so its been bout a week and the one plant that was overwatered and had a ph/calmag problem has really shown some signs of improvement. Nothing new, same containers. phd water only when soils basically completely dry.(I've bee being much more contious if my soil moisture and trying to only water when bone dry because I've had knats) Still bringing them inside to temperatures a little higher than id like when the sun goes down (about 83 84f) Plants just now tapping into the super soil at the bottom of the pots there in with sunshine mix number 4 as top soil. I had agnate problem but soil drenched with 1 to 4 ratio h202 and have given them there very first blast with nea m. Overall id say there in full vg mode now growing vigorously as they tap into that soil. However there is some unnatural curling and and growth on the new leaves as you'll see in this picture also there is a couple little holes in the leaves small kine very minor but there none the less. Anyone got any ideas on that? can't see em in the picture. Also i have some seedlings going one with spots as you can hopefully see in the pic. could be spider mites maybe? any thoughts would help. Also have 2 seedlings with curling leaves check em out in the picture they look yellowish or lighter than the other growth and there curling in underneath themselves almost looks like a ph problem or a nuts burn but again thoughts would help. Thanks guys an girls


Buzz Buzzilla

Well-Known Member
Looks like heat stress and potassium def...which isn't surprising because K helps the plant regulate high and low temps as well as helping with defense against bugs!
Also you say you use ph'd water what ph? And have you ever checked your run off ph? If this is off no matter how much micro nutes you use the plant won't be metabolize them...


Well-Known Member
no heres the thing these are my roommates plants and i know for a fact his ph is probably around an 8 as he uses are water straight out of the tap. Hopefully its what you think it is and not what i think it could be which is tmv. Any thoughts on that?


Well-Known Member
no heres the thing these are my roommates plants and i know for a fact his ph is probably around an 8 as he uses are water straight out of the tap. Hopefully its what you think it is and not what i think it could be which is tmv. Any thoughts on that?
That's not's because he uses water straight out of tap, you simply cannot do that. You need to condition the water for the plants needs, tap water is okay to use in emergencies where you have no RO/distilled water but you still need to let it sit out for 24-48 hours and PH it to 6.5..

Buzz Buzzilla

Well-Known Member
Tap water is perfectly fine to use as long as is conditioned as explained above or with hydrogen peroxide you can get it out In a few hours....and ph should be 5.5 - 6.5 as run off.... The input ph (your watering ph) should be adjusted according to your runoff...

Buzz Buzzilla

Well-Known Member
A lot of people get def using RO usually where ever you get your water from will give you a report of what is in it as well as the ppm...a lot of stuff in there that isn't in your nutes like much needed zinc and iron and manganese


Well-Known Member
A lot of people get def using RO usually where ever you get your water from will give you a report of what is in it as well as the ppm...a lot of stuff in there that isn't in your nutes like much needed zinc and iron and manganese
His water supply is from the same locations as mine just 12 miles out.
It just has calcium and trace metals(oahu) no heavy chlorine/fluoride to cause toxicity unless its on a military base, to the OP i have been using our tap water straight up no sitting out for 4 years with no problems. If you would like to check the report by the year as i do then, here you go.


Well-Known Member
so not tmv guys? if its not tmv i couldn't care less cause my ladies are starting to take off. Somethings taking chomps out of my leaves though. If its a bug i can kill it if its tmv I'm fucked Thats really all I'm concerned about. My roommate has about 12 plants an most of em look like that picture it started with one plant and seemed to have spread. However a coupe of his plants are fine still. Heres a picture of my ladies and the wholes I'm talking about
First photos check out the wholes? whats eating my shit????
second photos if you look real close on the upper part of the middle leaf there is a very small almost rust looking spot? hopefully you can see. as the last pic shows all plants appear to be happy and stoked just wondering whats up with the few things i spoke on thanks guys



Well-Known Member
also babyb420 how can u be sure its not tmv? I grow on my screened in porch and have been unfortunately like an idiot smoking cigs on for the last month or 2


Well-Known Member
also babyb420 how can u be sure its not tmv? I grow on my screened in porch and have been unfortunately like an idiot smoking cigs on for the last month or 2
heres a quote from someone whos had it:

In veg you can identify it when:

1) the leaf tip turns almost on a 90 degree angle
2) leaf variegation
3) almost looks a little mutated
4) slower than normal growth rates

If you didn't catch it in veg then here are the characteristics in flower:
1) will normally show it's ugly head in weeks 2 to 4 of flower
2) if you are experienced, they'll will automatically think that something is wrong with your recipe (nothing wrong, it's the virus, only applies to experienced guys)
3) plants will look as if someone literally poured bleach on you tops ( this is why it is usually confused with too high of ppm or over feeding)

your roommates plants look like that because hes not giving them what they need as cannabis. There's really no way to tell if you have TMV without a test, such as this one.. KIT_Page_1.jpg if you're really that worried about it then you can buy one but I seriously doubt you do have it. TMV is pretty uncommon and when it is seen its usually because of a bad dispensary pushing out shitty clones to noobs.

BTW, those bites in your plants could just be fungus gnats, i've had a few bites on my leaves when I had them.


Well-Known Member
my roommates plants are in great super soil they get regular calmag feedings and he's not a rookie he's pulled amazing harvests in the past. He's providing those plants with everything they need and even though i respect your opinion i believe your wrong. I am going to take better photos and post them tonight. Maybe someone can help me for sure to figure this out because if its is tmv I'm fucked


Well-Known Member
my roommates plants are in great super soil they get regular calmag feedings and he's not a rookie he's pulled amazing harvests in the past. He's providing those plants with everything they need and even though i respect your opinion i believe your wrong. I am going to take better photos and post them tonight. Maybe someone can help me for sure to figure this out because if its is tmv I'm fucked
PHing your water is one of the most important parts of growing cannabis, this is the same roommate that gives water out of tap right that you mentioned earlier right?

Dont get me wrong, some people do get lucky and can got through a full harvest without PHing their water.

here, use this for reference...a ph of 8 is waaaay to high for the plant to be able to uptake the nutrients it needs. Soil PH thats to low or to high can cause nutrient lockout.

I've met plenty of chain smokers who grow weed and none have gotten TMV from smoking cigs around their plants. Like I said, its mostly contracted by other infected plants introduced to the garden. Do you pop all your own seeds or have any plants been introduced into the grow room?


Well-Known Member
my roommates plants are in great super soil they get regular calmag feedings and he's not a rookie he's pulled amazing harvests in the past. He's providing those plants with everything they need and even though i respect your opinion i believe your wrong. I am going to take better photos and post them tonight. Maybe someone can help me for sure to figure this out because if its is tmv I'm fucked
It does not look like TMV, unless it is early! If these plants have high brix levels (healthy AF) then TMV can be hard to see early on. However, taking the worst looking plant and throwing them into flower, 90% of the time (TMV) infected plants will not last more then 20 days without noticing heavy TMV symptoms. (Severe light bleaching, stunted growth , middle of leaf next to veins swell up ect) if you are really worried,throw one into flower and see how she does. Since he has had successful harvest before we will rule out PH, because you have to be stupid to not check run-off when plants have unknown problems so i asume he checked ppm & ph already. Tmv can be transferred through smoke and leaves.


Well-Known Member
alright guys really appreciate the help. baby420 all seeds yes new plants are always coming in and out of my garden everything from ganja to herbs tomatoes etc so i will admit maybe my porch a little accessible . As far as ph is concerned I've been using standard drops and have been ball parking my ph its deffinately somewhere between 6 and 7 certainly not higher or lower. (tomorrow i water so i plan to absolutely check my water and my runoff to rule out ph issues)As far as ppm is concerned i understand it but don't have a meter BUT heres how I've been watering,
fill a 5 gallon and after adjusting ph i let it sit for at least a day but for the most part 48 hours. These plants have not had much food up until this point and are just operating of the bottom layer of sub cool supersoil which there roots are just not wrapping i believe(cooked for about 24 or 25 days, soil was warm to the touch at first but cool before planting)
Freak high brix levels? whats that? And it can be transferred through smoke?