1st Annual RIU fishing trip, Friday June 12th

I can see me lost on Bart and a two hour tour of the city. lol

They were pretty spendy 150.00 -180.00
well then you can stay with me....fly in & out of Sac. I'll loan you my truck or van for wed & then fish with you thurs & fri
It's 1hr 20min from Sac to Berkeley in the AM
I got my room at the Double Tree for $85 + tax and fees (about $100 total) From Priceline "name your own price". Less than 1 mile from the Marina.
Fly up late tues night & I'll loan you my truck & you can drive to Berkeley marina and get a few hrs sleep wed morning before boarding. Stay at doubletree wed-thurs (2) nights, fish Friday & fly home Friday night