Never heard of it, looked it up: This stuff is from Irwindale, CA.....Irwindale!
2.7/5 rDev +14.4%
look: 3 | smell: 2.25 | taste: 2.5 | feel: 3.75 | overall: 3
I was bored and thirsty tonight in the Inland Empire due to the fucked up weather and suprise heat, so I cruised down to AM/PM. Being that it was on a whim and I didn't feel like spending the big bucks, I picked up a 3 pack of tall boys. What the fuck was I thinking? After the 1st tall can, I got nauseous and ended up puking just a bit. Possibly because of the foam? Who knows. Anyhow... Because I'm a bad ass, I continued. After the 2nd can; I was on a a decent one. So much that I walked inside the house and started playing some Johnny Cash on the stereo. I'm sitting here on the couch thinking "should I go gerab the third tall can?". I probably will and I will finish it. My review may seem shitty and it actually suits this bullshit brew. It fucking sucks in regards to taste and all the other categories, but what the fuck do you expect from it? It's a cheap, shitty lager. Strong as Satan's pitchfork and tastes like a hat full of Assholes...but what the fuck do you expect for the price. People rating this an lower than a 3 are all Assholes. It is what it is mother fuckers. You know what you got yourself into. Come correct with your judging you prissy fucks. I bought it for one reason and one reason get smashed for the lowest price point possible. They make money and keep it on the market for a reason. Fuck it....I'm walking to my fridge as I type this, to grab that last tall can. Like Michael Buffer says, "IT'S TIME!!!!!!" I live around an awesome array of Micro Breweries and trust me, I Mich rather go there and indulge. However, the timing does not permit it.
This shit is insanely strong and will kick you in the balls. Better yet.... If makes me feel like a dinosaur. I'm in a slap fight and I'm a T-Rex... Just getting fucked up during this battle of Palms vs. Face. Did I expect any different? Absolutely not. Can cracked and I'm ready to go. Stogie is lit and it's time for battle. After all I've said...all I have to say is................
Jun 09, 2015"
2.49/5 rDev +5.5%
look: 2.5 | smell: 2.25 | taste: 2.5 | feel: 3 | overall: 2.5
I remember thinking that this tastes like booze and cream corn... I don't remember much after that.
Jun 01, 2015"