How much work only to get males?


Well-Known Member
Curious how much work some of you have put in to your plants only to end up with males? Be it topping, supercropping, LST etc... I am about to start some seeds and just have this dread that I will grow them for a couple months and train them along the way only to have to throw a couple out. As far as I can tell it's just part of the game (unless you make some clones and sex those early) so that is why I am starting 4 plants and hopefully end up with at least 2. Anyone grown some beautiful bushy plants only to have to toss them?

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
Man it hurts to cut any plant down - They always look so nice and healthy... Then the axe comes down and I feel just fine again.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Buy feminized.

I started getting regulars when I read up on breeding. Feminized from reputable dealers provides stable genetics.


Well-Known Member
I run a scrog set up so I only go for feminized seed lol id be so sad if I had to cut a plant down. If I were growing regular seed though id take clones asap and sex them to see which ones to keep, then you could even just grow out the female clones and sort of replace the males you chopped with them but they'd be a month or so behind the others so you would have to separate the screen into two halves for each set otherwise the clones would just get covered under the canopy and die of light depravation. just an idea


Well-Known Member
You can easily tell male growth from fems.
Also on regs i have a ~96% fem ratio
So again no, never happened to me.. and if i do find a spectacular male that i confuse for a fem, best believe its gettin bred


Well-Known Member
You can easily tell male growth from fems.
Also on regs i have a ~96% fem ratio
So again no, never happened to me
I heard males were supposed to stretch more so you can so to tell but how the hell do you get roughly 96% female thats insane!


Well-Known Member
Cause im awesome

There is a famous phrase or variations that goes something like, "a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing".
People often understand humans have an xy sex determination system. They then assume every living thing operates the same, this is not the case at all. But because fem seeds are possible and have a pretty high fem rate they dont understand even more so...can i spray testosterone on you and make a dick appear that will function and be able to impregnate yourself? Of course not.
Many animals and most plants dont operate on an xy system. We can alter the rates through environmental factors


Well-Known Member
I heard males were supposed to stretch more so you can so to tell but how the hell do you get roughly 96% female thats insane!
I have one that stretched way out this year and it sexed female, she grew with more vigor than the males.

I average 25- 30% males with reg seeds.


Well-Known Member
Ive found heat humidity then nutes in that order to have the biggest impact
My ratios will be cut to bout 75% just by having temps a mild to germ effectively I keep temps at 80-82°. Once they pop the surface Itake it down to high 60's
for 2-3weeks. This marker has been observed by myself and many others as when sexing takes hold in the plant and it will take on a lanky male appearance.
Some have said lighting played a factor for them, it may..

With that said I veg 24/0 and just throw into 12/12..I don't believe given everything else is on point, that lighting is a significant factor in sexing.. but I have noticed a higher female count with plants receiving less light, specifically the intensity of light/saturation and not necessarily the time received

Some have also said nutes play a role, but again that hasnt been the case for me atleast not to a large enough degree that i would feel confident in saying so.

This can also be reversed to produce males if you want to breed


Well-Known Member
FIrst time I grew from bagseed I had 11 plants going with a 400W HPS lamp in a closet. Kept fans going but it was rather warm in there (low 80's). 7 out of 11 ended up female. *shrug*


Well-Known Member
Thats almost 64%

Which is pretty avg. Try and see what makes a difference for you.
When i first started expirementing in 2013 i had 12 males out of About 200. Its not too much effort