Thoughts on this incident? Girl v. Guy fight

This whole shit falls right in line with what I hear about inner city classrooms and our schools in minority dominated areas. Fucking shit is out of control. My sister in law teaches in Chicago at a satellite private school because this kind of shit happened constantly in the first few public schools she taught at. Fucking black kids were punching teachers and gangs were bringing weapons in too. Unbelievable.

Its the fucking truth , inner city public schools are a joke & a terrifying place to work if your a teacher because of monsters like that loud mouthed girl .

My wife taught in the Detroit public school system for 10 yrs , she recieved death threats , was called a whore , bitch, cunt , slut , rag head , sand nigger ect , blacks calling her a sand nigger right to her face like wtf kinda kids were those monsters , she tried hard to educate the inner city kids but gave up after her entire class was made up of what DPS calls " Super Seniors " which are 12th grade students who flunked so many times they were all in the 12th grade atleast 2 yrs , she had several 20 yr old students in her class & not a single day went by where there wasnt a fight in her class ,she'd have to leave the class & get security to stop the fight , her principal bitched her out for not allowing sub standardly educated kids to graduate the year before & as punishment made her teach the class of super seniors where several students threatened to kill her if they didnt graduate .

My wife quit her job in the middle of a class over the death threats & the principals instance she graduate kids with 7th grade reading & 5th grade math comprehension, at my urging she sued the DPS system & won her full pension rights as well as forcing changes within the school systems , non of which did anything real to protect teachers from violent thugs .

She has a masters in teaching & another degree in early child development & was promptly snatched up by a private school made up of pre school arabic children , she excelled at her job & within 3 yrs was in charge of the school making $85,000 a yr vs the $32,000 she made teaching adult gang banger monsters in Detroit , durring the yrs she taught in Detroit her school had numerous stabbings , shootings & gang fights inside the building .

The parents of that girl in the video must be hella worthless parents to raise a foul mouthed violent teenager like that , more than likely they blame the boy for slamming her & not her own violent & vulgar actions .
The parents of that girl in the video must be hella worthless parents to raise a foul mouthed violent teenager like that , more than likely they blame the boy for slamming her & not her own violent & vulgar actions .

I think you'll particularly hate this clip, get a load of the parents response around the 2 minute mark... Absolutely infuriating

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Dam bro.. I didn't know you like to get wet.
I think you'll particularly hate this clip, get a load of the parents response around the 2 minute mark... Absolutely infuriating

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Bi polar disorder and other shit WTF this kid should never took a breath on this earth to begin with.. kids like this or any other kids that have 3 recorded incidents should be put to death period on the 3rd infraction ..
this is a perfect example of stupid genetic people reproducing.. that will not help to better human kind but lag it back and there fore should be extinguished
@ age 16 if any of the low life dwelling scum bags have have nothing to give in respect to human kind then there lifes should be erased not only would we as a civilization becme better we will be able to reach the stars faster let alone more money used in frastructure rather then fucking welfare for these waste of skin people and with that bbeing said parents as well should be held responsible and possibly put to death as well
sounds harsh doesn;t it but look at it in the real perspective 5 years down the road streets buses everything will be better

Hoard them off to fema camps and get rid of all of them end of story crime would drop 60 percent , your taxes will go down its a fucking win win really
Has anybody brought up the possibility of a Caitlyn Jenner v Chaz Bono exhibition fight?

Who would you pick to win (assuming hey are staying in character)?