SinCity Seeds Info Thread

@Midweek Song is world class in my book. Been nothing but superb to me. Was skeptical at first but they will be the only Euro bank I use mostly. Will use Attitude if I seriously have to. @eastcoastmo now get those babies in the ground so we can see come lovely cookies :)

Yeah bro, seems there are quite a few good banks around now other than tude. I only go there if they have a promo worth utilising. My top 3 now (not in order) are seedsman, seed city and mid song, just on customer service alone they outclass the others.
Ha ha nah man, these sinmints will go in the vault until the end of the year, once i get the beans sorted from this grow, I'm taking a few months off to finish my uni which means I go away a fair bit. I finish in Nov so not too long ;)
My sinmints arrived today bro, got a major ass chewing from the mrs for buying more beans though hey lol. She said she was so close to telling the postie to send em back and then realised they were probably for me, thank fuck she didn't have to sign for them, the postie has a weird habit of getting signatures for every damn package. Either way, mid song got them to me in a week which is damn fast to where I am, not to mention good customer service :)
I think we both order or beans from midweek at roughly same time and both got our beans in a weekish, not to shabby. I'll be shopping midweek again. Cheers, and glad to hear the Mrs didn't put you out for your purchase.:p
I think we both order or beans from midweek at roughly same time and both got our beans in a weekish, not to shabby. I'll be shopping midweek again. Cheers, and glad to hear the Mrs didn't put you out for your purchase.:p
Yeah I think you're right man, fast postage to both sides of the globe :)
Ha ha lol about the Mrs, she gets pretty fired up hey, i just have to back away slowly, not make eye contact, smile and wave ha ha.
Oh man you should've grabbed the cannaventure......
I qas so close to justifying ordering both of them lol. But being my first order with midweek I didnt want to be heartbroken by greentape like I was on my first order of bodhi... would have grabbed the la affair and daffie because la affie has interested me for a while now. I would loke to get flaming cookies as well buut midweek didnt have it in. cant justify aficionado prices atm and I got on the bodhi train just after dank sinatra was no more. I am excited for the remix though!
Hey Akhiym, do you know if Sin City are planning on stocking any of the nightmare line with dank team/ngr?

I'm not for sure bro if they will be stocking anything from the WhiteNightmare line but I want to say they will. I hope they do cus I want those Frozen Tangerines. It's almost like Tangering Power on steroids except with more berry haze flavors than kush. I'll hit hem up and find out for you
Cool, thanks man. Yeah, Frozen Tangerines is one of the ones I want too. Very glad to hear your take on it. I feel like I could use a warehouse to grow everything that sounds good when I start seed shopping lol.

Those Frozen Tangerines are amazing. Watching them grow and turn into frosty frozen monsters was great. The name fits perfect cus they look frozen. I mos def could use a warehouse for all the seeds I've acquired. It'll take years to go through them lol