Let's get drunk!!!

wha u getting locked up for
currently my cases are arson(disregard for human lifex2)
mischief over over 5000
thwn fauilure to compyx3

nd a bunch of cons@ricacy charges.

Im weighing my options on jail time or run to the phillapines with a filipino girl and and aussie.

prison aint my worry I just want a new life at this moment

sup homie. im getting throwed
I can beat two charges but this arson and disregard for human life is equivalent to attempted murder, big sentence my lawyer kpt laughing atme. shes cool but we both have bad humour... I should fuck her no jokes
I can beat two charges but this arson and disregard for human life is equivalent to attempted murder, big sentence my lawyer kpt laughing atme. shes cool but we both have bad humour... I should fuck her no jokes

arson huh? i understand that. Dunno how many times i felt like burning a mother fucker's house down
arson huh? i understand that. Dunno how many times i felt like burning a mother fucker's house down
it was all my friend tho i did pass the gasoline to him. it was over 10,000 worth of debt and it was a bar. I had no hand in the actual thing but I wanted to watch shit burn.

planning my escape now :) me and a cute lil thang going to run on this bs
Only 400?
around that number at onepoint I was doing 1-2 a day for almost a year straight. I was in a bad mind set at that moment in time. Oh well the past is the past

I'm drinking different homebrews right now it's mostly a rasberry imperial berliner. so delicious. have a american style barely wine chilling and just about done the second batch of beer for the day.

feels like a night to score some ketamine and molly or coke. not sure yet, might just smoke copious amounts and pass out on my floor again.
I learned how to cut myself off. Its the ice cream with olives that really does me in. I'm also lactose intolerant so I'm sure you could probably imagine.