7 weeks into 12/12 and strange things are happening!! lots of backround info and pictures

Strain-strawberry blue
Water schedule-every 2-3 days with 6.0-6.7 ph tap water
Pot size- half of a 3 gallon geopot
Soil-fox farms ocean forest/happy frog/perlite
Nutrients- gave a half too a half and a qaurter dose of tiger bloom 3 or 4 times the past few weeks and just gave a half dose of big bloom 2 nights ago. I follow the water/feed/water method.
Temps- day-74-84 night-65-72
Lights- 5-30 watt 2700k cfl and 2-30 watt 6500k cfl
3 weeks 24/0. 7 weeks 12/12
So i had a similiar problem in veg and it just kinda went away for awhile but now its back with a vengence and with being this late in flower i hope its not something to serious! Can anyone identify this problem or problems?? Mostly worried about those dark blotches in the leaves.
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Well-Known Member
too much phosphorus fert. when you use ocean forest and happy frog, you're probably not going to need much else. any reason why you gave the bloom fert? 84 degrees is too warm for an indoor grow, or at least that's my opinion.
too much phosphorus fert. when you use ocean forest and happy frog, you're probably not going to need much else. any reason why you gave the bloom fert? 84 degrees is too warm for an indoor grow, or at least that's my opinion.
The fox farms schedule says u use both but i was only using tiger bloom and figured id use the bloom instead since its got so little of everything i figured itd just give it a little boost. But youre saying its a burn? Should i flush tonight? Its watering day anyway


Well-Known Member
According to this i have a phosphorus deficiency yes? But the other dude says too much o_O
to be honest it looks like you have a few deficiencies at the same time, bump your feed up a bit and feed every watering, something like 5ml/L or whatever your nutrients max feed is and just try to get it thru til harvest, too late now to start fixing the leaves etc, just try n get thru the last few weeks to harvest with something to smoke at the end y`know

Also do you have the feed chart for your nutrients?


Well-Known Member
I would just buy some epsom salts....mix them accordingly for your feedings to the ladies....there already at week 7 you said right? Fuck it broski there almost done anywho. Are the actual flowers stressed or throwing hermie dick bananna's? I wouldnt stress too too much and in future grows be a lil more laid back with the feedings(unless you got a nute pig like kosher kush). just a thought.


Well-Known Member
flush it and restart your nutes at half dose. Definitely a phosporus issue of some kind. I have the same problem. I'm almost done though :)


Active Member
Strain-strawberry blue
Water schedule-every 2-3 days with 6.0-6.7 ph tap water
Pot size- half of a 3 gallon geopot
Soil-fox farms ocean forest/happy frog/perlite
Nutrients- gave a half too a half and a qaurter dose of tiger bloom 3 or 4 times the past few weeks and just gave a half dose of big bloom 2 nights ago. I follow the water/feed/water method.
Temps- day-74-84 night-65-72
Lights- 5-30 watt 2700k cfl and 2-30 watt 6500k cfl
3 weeks 24/0. 7 weeks 12/12
So i had a similiar problem in veg and it just kinda went away for awhile but now its back with a vengence and with being this late in flower i hope its not something to serious! Can anyone identify this problem or problems?? Mostly worried about those dark blotches in the leaves.
Alright Bro , this is an easy one. you have a magnesium defiecency. ok, some people try to use cal mag to bring up the magnesium. what happens is too much calcium blocks the magnesium intake. your plant is locked up. do a quick flush, and blend up some epsom salts. also, you need to flush the used salts away at this time anyways. dont worry just act on it. also, check your ph, tiger bloom drops your ph big time and keep your nutrients when balanced to 900 ppm ish. the yellowish and the green show that the plant ate all the N, and p from plant its upset with the block of magnesium. 1 issue though. The magnesium stage is a very short one. when the plant is flushing it will give almost similar signs when the food is pulled out of leaves.

keep goin man.. dont give up. follow periodic table of elements per week of flower. you should have some what high p, and low k. next couple weeks. then finish high K low P.


Well-Known Member
Do a flush , maintain a good PH for water , FF nutes ALWAYS salt up and lockout nutes. There are a number of issues going on. FF schedule should be followed but at a lower rate. If you have deviated from what you are supposed to feed during its required stage , then this is what will happen. They ( the nute makers ) have done all the homework on how their nutes work together and WHEN.

Plants can't be FORCED to take up nutes that are not balanced ( PPM) , they take only what they need . Anything beyond is waste and harmful to the plant. Less is more is the rule.
Il put up a few flower picture and describe a little more about whats been going on and all that good stuff when i flip the lights on tonight. You guys are super helpful and i appreciate it. Last night i did a decent flush and am gonna see how it reacts and then lightly get back to a very light feeding. In better news i havent seen any signs of hermie and as of yesterday i am a legal mmj patient :) gonna check out my first dispensary in a few days :D

Buzz Buzzilla

Well-Known Member
It looks as though you
have at least 3 late staged deff in mag cal and phos...and sounds like it's nothing to do with what your feeding them rather a ph issue...do you have a way to measure your run off? If this is too high or too low your plant isn't able to take up certain nutes regardless of their presence.

Nevertheless less a good flush followed by a regular feeding wouldn't hurt as well.
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It looks as though you
have at least 3 late staged deff in mag cal and phos...and sounds like it's nothing to do with what your feeding them rather a ph issue...do you have a way to measure your run off? If this is too high or too low your plant isn't able to take up certain nutes regardless of their presence.

Nevertheless less a good flush followed by a regular feeding wouldn't hurt as well.
I have all the tools to check ppm and ph of runoff but havent. I dont really have a reason why but i water again tommorow and il make sure to get the readings. I usually water with a ph of as close to 6.5 as i can get on the dropper tests. Usually a dark yellow. But did the flush in case it was the ph locking everything out

Buzz Buzzilla

Well-Known Member
I have all the tools to check ppm and ph of runoff but havent. I dont really have a reason why but i water again tommorow and il make sure to get the readings. I usually water with a ph of as close to 6.5 as i can get on the dropper tests. Usually a dark yellow. But did the flush in case it was the ph locking everything out
Yeah see 6.5 seems too low...if is staying at 6.5 that is ok and a lil lower is even better..but i suspect
It's a lot higher or even possible salt build up like coco...since your so far into your grow.