help me


Well-Known Member
hello i have a plant that has been outside from may to this month : a seedling to veg. its 4months old and i want to force flower it indoorsthere 35inches tall and it under a flourecent light 12 lights on /12night. Outdoor sun comes up at 6am and goes down at 7:30pm so its13hrs and half of light outdoors 11hrs night how can i make it force flower indoor?Can u help me?


Well-Known Member
keep doing what you are doing and it will start flowering once the days get a little shorter. otherwise, keep it completely dark except for the 12 hr light cycle.


Well-Known Member
hey thanks for that answer man so u think it will start flowering by the end of the month i jus. started indoor a week so they been on 12/12 indoor light for a week now u think it will show by the end of the month?


Well-Known Member
depending on the variety of plant it will show sex anywhere from one week on - not sure of the longest time you'd have to wait.


Well-Known Member
a 6/18? why in hell would you put your plant on a 6 on 18 off cycle? dude...thats winter in alaska...even humans have a hard time with about fubar'in your plants location o,O


Well-Known Member
hello i have a plant that has been outside from may to this month : a seedling to veg. its 4months old and i want to force flower it indoorsthere 35inches tall and it under a flourecent light 12 lights on /12night. Outdoor sun comes up at 6am and goes down at 7:30pm so its13hrs and half of light outdoors 11hrs night how can i make it force flower indoor?Can u help me?
you can ignore all other answers you are not actually thinking about flowering under a flouresent are you? If so good luck.just leave it outside it will start flowering on its own and be ready at the same time.I suggest you start reading up before you shock your plant to all hell


Well-Known Member
my bad 6/18 or 8/16 would that dat be ok to flower or stick with 12/12 i wanted to change it to 6/18 but i wasnt sure!


Well-Known Member
12/12 for flowering, but if you already have a secure location outdoors and the plant will start flowering soon anyway, why would you want to go thru all the trouble of an inside grow? if it was earlier in the year i would have a different answer.


Well-Known Member
well i would leave it outside but there's alot of heat goin on here if you know wat i mean but yea it will flower under a flourecent ive done it before !


Well-Known Member
also i cant put the plant outside cuz its too dam hot like around 120f and its the lowest is 98f at night and it humid as fuck at night also like 75% humidity so thats why also the fuzz too


Well-Known Member
then by all means go for it - who wants to lose their baby girls to the heat? btw, the site recommends 75 watts/sq ft for fluorescent lights.