. Accept for the COB cult members, others like me are going to see through you the more you pump. You have an agenda. Otherwise you wouldn't be pumping lies so hard.
It's except. Acceptance is what your blurple lamps have not been receiving here.
EE Tech means you've been trained to solder and wire things. It's a trade skill. EE is a purely math and science based program where you don't even learn to solder. Most people I know that went into EE tech did so because they disliked (or were poor at) math and science. They went the "hands on experience" route.
Not that there's anything wrong with this... but puh-lease. Put the word "tech" after Engineering and it's not really engineering.
Edit: Let's just say that wiring a bunch of LEDs in series to a pre-build constant current supply is not exactly high wizardry.