Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Riddle me this. How do plant specific bugs find literally ONE plant in an extremely suburban area to come and fuck up?? I have ONE zucchini plant and it is littered with squash bugs. I've been collecting them in a jar and scraping the eggs off daily. Today I found 2 of these ladybug looking things ravaging my pole beans... ladybugs don't eat plants... turns out I have mexican bean beetles on a mission. Seriously... where do these mexican bean fucks come from?! How do they find the 2 bean plants probably in a 10 mile radius?!
They took our jobs!
Not it my hood: it's crepes.
ihop...lol ...there was one in niagara falls when i went but i skipped on it, we did so much fun stuff though
I love me some mexican

The chicks, the food bangin to though

Cow tounge actually aint bad, i avoid the hair though like a true whitey