Is it wrong for a Christian to Smoke Weed.

well, it starts with jesus touching down on the mount of olives. then the armies of the earth will try to fight him and he will destroy them with the breath of his mouth.
I'm not sure about him in some ways.

lol, wait till he starts bringing out the footprint and shaking it. he's the only one who has it. he's pretty good as opposed to most nowadays, but i'm still trying to finish up a lot of herbert w. armstrong's stuff. right now studying the philadephian church of god's college bible study course so i can understand their version of false religion.
lol, wait till he starts bringing out the footprint and shaking it. he's the only one who has it. he's pretty good as opposed to most nowadays, but i'm still trying to finish up a lot of herbert w. armstrong's stuff. right now studying the philadephian church of god's college bible study course so i can understand their version of false religion.
The mastodon bone? What do you mean by footprint?
Read it! Armageddon is a location not a time.

You're right about the mount of megiddo, he has a footprint of a nephilim he brings out every once in a while in his show.

jesus returns and touches down on the mount of olives splitting it in two with a huge earthquake, i think it's in zechariah 14?
Ya to the op
30 pages deep

No it is not wrong, assuming you are using purely for enjoyment.

Coping after a hard day wrong.
Having to have it is wrong
Idolizing it as many do, is wrong.

In the end it comes down to your own conscience, and keeping it between you and God so as not to cause other believers to stumble or question. The worst thing you could do is lead someone astray. Other than that its all good.

Loosely paraphrased from my homie Paul/Saul