Is it wrong for a Christian to Smoke Weed.

Ya to the op
30 pages deep

No it is not wrong, assuming you are using purely for enjoyment.

Coping after a hard day wrong.
Having to have it is wrong
Idolizing it as many do, is wrong.

In the end it comes down to your own conscience, and keeping it between you and God so as not to cause other believers to stumble or question. The worst thing you could do is lead someone astray. Other than that its all good.

Loosely paraphrased from my homie Paul/Saul

God gave it to us in order to allow us a release....release from all of the evils of this world for a moment. i agree with what you've said, and so would anyone who reads the bible every day and has smoked any weed. people also say you shouldn't "cuss" but god has no problem with strong language even though many "churches" of modern-day christianity call it wrong (so do they if you don't dress up on sunday - the wrong day).

It's just a way to enjoy life for a moment, but isn't as bad for you as cigarettes or alcohol so toke up :D
i know what the order and balance is !!

its the balance of magnetic forces in molucules and the specail order they are place to create life .......... its allso the specail order of colours in light created with elecrtomagnic shit ...... i think

lol n tits
The natural order is to create life? Really? no life on the moon,mars, Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune? If you have questions feel free to ask.
Of course it is a sin. But why should that concern you? The entire point of Christianity - and subsequent popularity thereby - is that ALL of your sins are forgiven. In essence, profession of said faith is a license to do what thou wilt. Fear no more and be sure to nail as much hot Christian ass as is possible. The more sins you commit, the better your success will be at that. You might as well get as much mileage out of this Christianity thing as is possible.
Of course it is a sin. But why should that concern you? The entire point of Christianity - and subsequent popularity thereby - is that ALL of your sins are forgiven. In essence, profession of said faith is a license to do what thou wilt. Fear no more and be sure to nail as much hot Christian ass as is possible. The more sins you commit, the better your success will be at that. You might as well get as much mileage out of this Christianity thing as is possible.
You're not talking about me. I think you are confusing us with catholics.
study what god said through an angel in the burning bush - eyheh asher eyheh (sorry spelling?), he said that was what his name was to the children of israel

LOL! Your life seems to revolve around this deity and you can't take the time to learn to spell his name correctly? That's GOTTA piss him off. See you in hell, buddy...
LOL! Your life seems to revolve around this deity and you can't take the time to learn to spell his name correctly? That's GOTTA piss him off. See you in hell, buddy...

spelling hebrew words in english is complicated, especially when they are transliterated... maybe you should know what you're talking about before accusing others of not knowing "/
spelling hebrew words in english is complicated, especially when they are transliterated... maybe you should know what you're talking about before accusing others of not knowing "/

Complicated? Playing the Bruch violin concerto is complicated, but I don't screw up a major part of it and explain to the audience how difficult it is, and that part I fucked up was close enough. You either do important things correctly or you don't (do or do not, there is no try). The things I take seriously, I take the time and effort to do them well. You seem to take your religion seriously, show your deity some respect and step up your game. It's insulting, and your god gets pissed for much smaller infractions. Watch your step, he's insane...
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Complicated? Playing the Bruch violin concerto is complicated, but I don't screw up a major part of it and explain to the audience how difficult it is, and that part I fucked up was close enough. You either do important things correctly or you don't (do or do not, there is no try). The things I take seriously, I take the time and effort to do them well. You seem to take your religion seriously, show your deity some respect and step up your game. It's insulting, and your god gets pissed for much smaller infractions. Watch your step, he's insane...

the problem with not being biblically literate is that you think i screwed up, but if you had studied the more important detail of what his name means you would understand that in english it is "I am who I am". how i spell a jewish word with no vowels transliterated to english, that came from an aramaic word which was translated to hebrew means nothing really. it's the meaning that's needed understood.
Anyway the best name i would call him is dad or father, because who calls their dad by their real name? you can't understand something living intimately without a relationship, too bad there are too many people living a dead faith or not even believing the word is living.
you don't have to believe. god has a place for you to, and you're not going to like it.

Luke 6:37
You are rude and stepping on God's toes.
Do you believe in a literal interpretation of the bible?
How old is the Earth?
Dinosaurs, wtf?

If someone steals do you not judge them a thief? if someone rapes someone do you not judge them a rapist? God didn't make us stupid.

That is not your job. How do you know the person is not righteous in their heart but in a bad situation? Because you are not God, or even godly.
If God made people, God made stupid ones, fat ones, queer ones, the whole spectrum.