Germinating seed help


I've been germing this one, going on 4 ddays now and its cracked in an odd fashion. i just wanted to know if its a bad seed or has anyone else experienced it and still had success?
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Well-Known Member
I just don't understand pre-germinating in paper towels, all you can do handling the germinated seed is cause damage,,,, there is no benefit. I don't do this so I can't really help you out. Sorry..


Virtually Unknown Member
I just don't understand pre-germinating in paper towels, all you can do handling the germinated seed is cause damage,,,, there is no benefit. I don't do this so I can't really help you out. Sorry..
nor do I, Pro-Mix, water, CFL for heat, don't fuck with it. But some folks swear by it.


Well-Known Member
Get some bottled water and a cup. Fill the cup half full. Put the seed in the cup and stir gently not with your finger! If the seed sinks its ready to plant, if not leave it alone for a few hours. Stir again and see if it sinks. Do this until it sinks. This process could take 12 hours. If it still floats I would throw it away. Oh ya plant in a seed starter mix.


Well-Known Member
I just don't understand pre-germinating in paper towels, all you can do handling the germinated seed is cause damage,,,, there is no benefit. I don't do this so I can't really help you out. Sorry..
I soak mine in a solo cup, when i see a crack i know which way to point it, n i plant it... ... .....n pray, lol.
I agree with WattSaver, many will poo-poo the idea of simply, you know, letting the seed sprout in its growing medium, like its been use to for thousands of years... But, I don't care, I've seen great success from letting seeds emerge in their natural environment, and the only thing that can come of this ridiculous paper-towel myth is allowing light to damage the emerging roots, shocking the embryonic plant, and transfer oils from your fingers onto the roots as well, which can kill them quite easily.

If you simply want to see what seeds are worth growing or not, get some solo cups, plant your babies, water them in, and see what sprouts, and when. Choose your desired plants, gently transplant (and yes, this can be done with little to no shock if careful), and proceed. This is the most natural and least harmful process for growing these creatures. Doing anything else serves no benefit whatsoever and can only have negative consequences.


Well-Known Member
I just germinated 3 seeds in a paper towel. One of them did not sprout, but cracked open slightly. I planted it in soil anyway and it sprouted just fine a day later than the others. It'll be just fine man, plant it in soil. It'll sprout :)

Vincent Michels

New Member
Don't be discouraged, you can germinate any way you want. Papertowel method works fine for me, I know which seed has popped and which haven't long before just "plant it and forget it". Remember seed needs constant warmth and moisture. My most recent germination at 2 days from pop in papertowels


Don't be discouraged, you can germinate any way you want. Papertowel method works fine for me, I know which seed has popped and which haven't long before just "plant it and forget it". Remember seed needs constant warmth and moisture. My most recent germination at 2 days from pop in papertowels
Been doing the 'plant and forget' and have to say for a first timer it can be stressful as fuck with nothing to see for 4 days+ given all the things you read can go wrong. It gets easier, but I just couldn't stop myself from poking in the dirt that first grow. Paper towel is great if, like me, you have some kind of attention deficit disorder combined with being a control freak. :)