Been a couple weeks since i updated, well thats because these beans have really frustraded the hell out of me.
I had very bad luck with them. After the initial soak, they were placed in peet pellets. Within 24 hours I had one pop through, very vigorous. Upon closer look, she was a mutant. It appeared as though i got 2 plants from one seed. After seperating the peet pellet a bit so i could see whats going on, i realized it was only one tap root with 2 plant attached to it. Kinda cool...
A couple days go by, finally have a few more poke through.... WTF! NO LEAF! Yep, just stem bases with no cotyledens or leaves? Fucking odd... Another day or so goes by another 2 pop up. Another leafless mutant and a runt.
So out of 11, I have 1 runt and 1 2-headed mutant! I will continue growing these 2 out. I will post updates as they go along. Im going to notify sin city of what has happened. I am NOT IN ANY WAY SPEAKING NEGATIVELY about Sin City. This is the point of testing!
On a side note, because of this I popped 5 of
@bigworm6969 Prime Crystal. They all germed and are nice (non mutant) seedlings