Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

Has he checked his timer/light leakz...? ;)
We both thought the same thing, but we went over every inch of his op with a fine tooth comb and couldn't find anything. Temp difference between night and day at most was 10 degrees, 99.9999% light tight. A lux meter or whatever the tool is called couldn't read anything with the lights off. No cold basement floor. Rh between 45-55%. Plenty of light from a 1000 watt hps that's not too close or far away. We literally couldn't find any reason. He even replaced his timers with brand new ones just in case they were doing something weird when he wasn't watching.
I really don't want to give an absolute statement that growing organically will provide less chance of hermaphroditic traits from showing, but it is true in my somewhat limited experience.
Grokashi fuzz ;)
just started with it last week . and man i like the feel of it ,the growth / water rates are improving too ... i put it everywhere ! in the compost , on the citrus (try it they LOVE it ) .... the improvement in soil structure is amazing .... outdoors it really shines as it bran can form a colony any where it is covered and moist ...
I've been debating on buying one of those bokashi composting bins, it provides a similar end product if I'm correct.
What sort of citrus' do you grow? I've got some lemons that I'm bonsai'ing and I've been toying around with ideas on their final soil mix.
I've been debating on buying one of those bokashi composting bins, it provides a similar end product if I'm correct.
What sort of citrus' do you grow? I've got some lemons that I'm bonsai'ing and I've been toying around with ideas on their final soil mix.

if you look back a few pages you can see that grokashi is a little diffrent .
namely the salt and yougevity , but esp. the em1 ceramic innoculant . i am looking at getting the innoculant ant the em-1 to make for my gardens fugal hyphe . along with local microbes harvested from the air with a white rice substrate.
this site is my new GUIDE for gardening:) passed to me with aloha from the big island ... so gland to know this stuff TESTED ... used to be just THEORY for meeeee....

i bokashi compost as well with hommade lab serum and rice slurry starter . BUT the incculante grokasi gives fungus like crazy!! that is needed outdoor for keeping water in the soil and cyceling nutes as we all know ...

mush love lol soil reuser brothers and sisters:)
I think I may have found a gem of a find in regards to soil mix "amendments". I was doing some landscaping work for a relative recently and ran out of topsoil. They said they'd buy more but they live on the edge of the woods so I told them that's completely unnecessary, I'd go dig up some really top notch midwest forest humus. Well in doing this I found what appears to be the remnants of a once colossal tree stump. The soil is a very dark and rich black/brown and has a very porous texture. Smells absolutely amazing too. About a foot below the top of the soil I find lumps of rotten wood thats almost unrecognizable as such (Score!!). It's mostly leaf mold/rotted/en wood/ and our native clay based soil as far as I can tell.
I plan to collect about 30 gallons of it to screen for my indoor notill planters / house plants. Hopefully once these rain storms let up I can get it screened and whatnot for pictures. I go on vacation next week so all of my projects that have been building up are going to get demolished!!
I see a creature in this picture. 1/3 of the way down on the left, you see a perfect leaflet. Follow it in and you will see eyes ears nose and a mouth. It has teeth!
I think I may have found a gem of a find in regards to soil mix "amendments". I was doing some landscaping work for a relative recently and ran out of topsoil. They said they'd buy more but they live on the edge of the woods so I told them that's completely unnecessary, I'd go dig up some really top notch midwest forest humus. Well in doing this I found what appears to be the remnants of a once colossal tree stump. The soil is a very dark and rich black/brown and has a very porous texture. Smells absolutely amazing too. About a foot below the top of the soil I find lumps of rotten wood thats almost unrecognizable as such (Score!!). It's mostly leaf mold/rotted/en wood/ and our native clay based soil as far as I can tell.
I plan to collect about 30 gallons of it to screen for my indoor notill planters / house plants. Hopefully once these rain storms let up I can get it screened and whatnot for pictures. I go on vacation next week so all of my projects that have been building up are going to get demolished!!
the more rotten the better for tree logs, the ones I've been using are so degraded they'll crumble in your hand like a cross between a sponge and Styrofoam, it's ability to retain water and promote a "humid" soil is absolutely un-matched.
Good job dear! Keep it up! Anyway, I need some good and affordable Pest control Port Macquarie services. Actually there are some termites that are eating up my wooden furniture so I want highly professional services to treat them. Please guys suggest a good service!
Here's one of my 2 30g smart pot worm casting factories. I found they really like a piece of panda film plastic covering the top.View attachment 3445792
so true! that's the exact setup I use too, only I use the extra wrapping paper they send you in the amazon packages. the long strips of brown paper, dampen those up and not only does it keep the gnats away, but it's easy to just dump their food under a couple layers of those instead of burying the food like I used to.
Not to mention when it gets hot and dry they are still nice and chill underneath it all.
Smartpots are perfect for wormbins though
Pulled some males today and found my new soil rather warm to the touch. I mixed it about a month ago. The pots were outside but have been shaded for hours. Got up to about 90 today. How concerned should I be about what seems to be an continuation of the composting "cooking" process.
I've got a few in my hot veg tent and a few in the climate controlled flower room.