2 x 300 watt LED Grow Tent in closet Heat issues


New Member
So I have done days of researching before ordering all my parts. I put it all together and the Temps are horrible!

2'x4'5 Grow Tent (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00H9OJHYA)
2 300watt LED (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00INM0750)
a 4" 100 CFM inline duct fan (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00F6BL11U)
a 6" 220 CFM inline duct fan https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00KMDTE3O)
a 4" carbon fliter (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00E582DV2)

The 100 CFM fan is used as an active intake (it is pushing through a mesh window because the grow tent had no low access holes.). The 220 CFM fan is used as the exhaust. I started with just the 100CFM so all my ducting is 4" but with just the 100 I was getting low 90s for temp so I ordered the 220. I thought it would make a big difference but it didn't.
With both lights on I am getting temps of 86-88 F
With just one on I get 84-86 F
I don't know why the temps are so bad. Ambient air here has been around 75 F. And it is only going to go up as summer gets hotter, so my temps will probably hit the 90s in no time. Also I cant seem to get negative pressure in the tent. because the tent walls don't buckle in, even slightly. I feel like a 220 CFM should be able to do that no problem.

I think one of my problems is i am exhausting through my dryer vent that is only 3". could this be causing the weak suction problems? My 6' fan is connected to a 4" carbon filter and 4 "ducting that funnels int my 3" dryer exhaust. cool all the small pipes be constraining the usefulness of the fan? I do not have any other options of exhaust vent then the 3" dryer pipe. So if I cant do this grow tent then so be it. But I want to know before I run out of return time! I don't think that's the case as I have seen people grow in closets while exhausting into the closet! I am at least getting it out my building! 3" pipe or not I feel like that has to be better.

Another problem I have noticed is the suction around my carbon filter is so weak it cant even hold onto a tissue! 220CFM is literally less than a foot away! But I also ran the system with the carbon filter off, and after running one light for an hours the temp was....... 86.... the same that it was with the damn carbon filter on!

Another weird quirk of my messed up system is I did a temp test without any lights and the temp went from 77 (everything off all night) to 79 after 30mins of just intake and exhaust running. So my fans are actually heating up my tent... Not sure what that is telling. But I am guessing something is messed up! I did the incense smoke test to verify that all air flow was going the right way

Please help cause I am running out of ideas! I attached pics of my setup,

IMG_6295.JPG IMG_6296.JPG IMG_6297.JPG IMG_6298.JPG IMG_6299.JPG IMG_6301.JPG


Well-Known Member
do you have circulation fans running?

They could make a difference, at the very least a difference at the canopy


New Member
I put a dual window fin in there when I had just the 100 CFM exhaust fan and temps went up! from 93 to 97. I will try it now with the 2 fan system but I think the same thing is gonna happen. I will update this post in 30 mins


New Member
So putting the window fan in there for 30 mins and the temp was 86 with one light on...

beepotron. Really? I have seen both of them very highly suggested for a small tent I have seen the 400+ CFM also highly recommended like http://amzn.com/B00KWYJQYA and http://amzn.com/B005XNNYMU But they are almost 4 times as much as the 6" one I got and WAY over kill for the size of my tent. mine is 40 Cubic Feet. with 220 I should already be able to exhaust the whole tent over 5 times a minute even with the smaller pipe I cant see that dipping below 1 or 2 times a minute and that is well over what is recommended.
Do you have any recommendations beepotron? I would like to keep my budget as low as possible.
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New Member
Bingo............needs a REAL exhaust fan.

I suggest 8 inch hyper fan with integrated "dimmer"
So with that exhaust fan (or another not "100% shit" fan) what is the difference between your ambient temp outside grow area and in the grow area and lights full blast?


Well-Known Member
So with that exhaust fan (or another not "100% shit" fan) what is the difference between your ambient temp outside grow area and in the grow area and lights full blast?
3+/-F with a four inch Dayton blower(passive intake) in a 3.5x4x7 crappy shoe closet.......running less than 200w atm though(summer)

I suggested 8 inch, because that particular brand can be dimmed down or full blast for some future proofing........also uses the least amount of watts per cfm in the business. Great buy IMO

It's your $$$ and your call grower
New to this forum but I have been growing for over ten years. One great solution is a standing AC unit that vents in and then out your window, since your grow space is small a small unit is only needed general cost is around 100-200. It will also help with humidity issues as your plants begin to grow. I do have some advice for you that is free though to your wallet. Number one make sure your grow tent or area is not in direct sunlight, black tents absorb heat like no other. Second, make sure your intake of cool air is close to ground level and your exhaust is at the top of your grow. Heat rises up and cool air rest from ground up. Some people reverse this and end up exactly in your situation.


New Member
3+/-F with a four inch Dayton blower(passive intake) in a 3.5x4x7 crappy shoe closet.......running less than 200w atm though(summer)

I suggested 8 inch, because that particular brand can be dimmed down or full blast for some future proofing........also uses the least amount of watts per cfm in the business. Great buy IMO

It's your $$$ and your call grower
Okay so a 3 degree difference for 200w is similar to what I am getting. When I do one light at 300w i get about 3 to 4 degree difference. I run 600w of light it is a 9-10 degree change. So its not my "100% shitty" fans. Its just that it is hot here, and I don't AC my home. And when .

New to this forum but I have been growing for over ten years. One great solution is a standing AC unit that vents in and then out your window, since your grow space is small a small unit is only needed general cost is around 100-200. It will also help with humidity issues as your plants begin to grow. I do have some advice for you that is free though to your wallet. Number one make sure your grow tent or area is not in direct sunlight, black tents absorb heat like no other. Second, make sure your intake of cool air is close to ground level and your exhaust is at the top of your grow. Heat rises up and cool air rest from ground up. Some people reverse this and end up exactly in your situation.
Thanks for the advice. That is what I did. I have a pretty good common scene level I have seen some builds where they did what you are talking about exhaust low, intake high and I just scratch my head. Also building computers for years has helped me understand air flow so I was trying to use that knowledge too. Also good advice about the blakc tent. It is in a completely shut off closet, so no light is hitting it :) and yeah I might have to get a little AC or just veg in the summer months.

Thanks everyone


Well-Known Member
3+/-F with a four inch Dayton blower(passive intake) in a 3.5x4x7 crappy shoe closet.......running less than 200w atm though(summer)

I suggested 8 inch, because that particular brand can be dimmed down or full blast for some future proofing........also uses the least amount of watts per cfm in the business. Great buy IMO

It's your $$$ and your call grower
I agree with psu here, get an 8" and suck that hot air out of the top of the tent. The thing about LEDs like yours is the heat there, just isn't directly on your canopy. There's no reason with a total of around 300 actual watts of led you should be around 90 degrees, I have a 3x5 tent I'm running with a single circulation fan and 6" exhaust with a 400watt mh, and a 330 watt actual pull led to supplement as my temps are never above 78.

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Well-Known Member
Okay so a 3 degree difference for 200w is similar to what I am getting. When I do one light at 300w i get about 3 to 4 degree difference. I run 600w of light it is a 9-10 degree change. So its not my "100% shitty" fans. Its just that it is hot here, and I don't AC my home. And when .

Thanks for the advice. That is what I did. I have a pretty good common scene level I have seen some builds where they did what you are talking about exhaust low, intake high and I just scratch my head. Also building computers for years has helped me understand air flow so I was trying to use that knowledge too. Also good advice about the blakc tent. It is in a completely shut off closet, so no light is hitting it :) and yeah I might have to get a little AC or just veg in the summer months.

Thanks everyone

Those crappy duct boosters are known to be unsuitable for grow rooms. Restricting them (carbon filter) amplifies the problem; weak motor.

Getting a small portable AC which is running at 9+ amps to resolve your issue which can be corrected with a 70w 8inch hyper fan seems illogical to me............

my 4 inch dayton blower was built in the 90's, and is showing it's age..................way better/more efficient options now

Btw.......your led fixtures are NOT actually drawing 600w from the wall, I'd guess half that if you meter it.
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Getting better fans is never a bad idea, so when you expand(which always happens) you will have something suitable. The best thing you can do when building a grow, is focusing on what you want to do now, plus what you want to do in the future. Being able to reuse your gear and investment in bigger and future endevours is always a way to save money. Instead of having to sell old equipment and buy all over again.


Well-Known Member
I don't want to shit on your setup but I'm going to. You did days of research and bought all junk?
My advice is to return all of it and spend your money on quality lights and quality fans.