Mandala Seeds- Chill Om

I wanna do hydro but I just am lazy... It sucks...
hydro aint too bad... for my first grow I used 10" perlite/vermiculite pots and for nutes: 4 solutions: a/b (or grow bloom or fish shit/guano) + kelp + fulvic. if you get the numbers right, the fulvic acid and kelp (alkaline) balance the pH to 5.5-6.0 automatically. And if you have a few syringes for dosing out nutes accurately it aint so bad.
I'm ordering a 250/400 watt hid unit from sunlight supply. Outfitting this tent proper...

Also a fan, soil, lamps, etc.

LEDs were fine for me when I was playing around but the units I have are outdated and for my mandala ladies I want something tried and true!
Well 2 of the non sprouts, still no sprouts. One unshelled but didn't get beyond that. The other never cracked open. So two chill om remain. I did start some 2010 limited edition krystalica, and a couple safari mix beans to test my germination station. :)

Rooter plugs, so far all the beans have sprouted, but nothing above surface yet. Soon! Soon!

Still waiting new stock, and we will go from there. I've worked up a base mix formula, and am sourcing quality organic inputs for my base. Super stoked to dial in indoor organics!

Stay tuned...
I was thinking instead of trying to transplant my seedlings, what if I give them a nice top dress of say worm compost, or a soil/compost blend. Added food, added soil surface and organic matter, as they are in pots with 10" soil on bottom and 90% seedling mix. I can see fat white roots at the bottom, but I know they aren't root bound yet, though I could be wrong. I will say it has vigorous root growth, as mandala says!

What do you all think? Repot all together, step up a size, new soil, or just top dress with some goodies, bury that stem a bit, and so on..

Input welcome!
Hey there organja, so far so good. The day you started this thread I received a shipment of Krystalica and Mandala #1. Not going to be able to plant them for at least a few months so I'm going to live vicariously through your grow.

I transplant twice, from 3" to 1 quart to 2 gallon. Bury the stem if I can. I use the same soil mix for seeding all the way through. No special seed starter mixes just regular soil.
Word! Thanks swanky! Congrats on your seed choice! Yes!!!

I can see pretty fair root growth at the bottom of the pots, drainage holes. I mean not excessive, but a few nice white roots poking out I am certain I may cause more stress than good if I tried to transplant them. They are in 4" containers. Do you think some good soil on top for next watering would suffice? The soil has blood meal , which I'm not a fan of but I'll use it til I can make my own, and it's organic. Either way. Whatcha think?

Thanks! Again, congrats!!!! I'm bummed I should be further along, I need an HPS, and for some reason gnats are going nuts in my tent. I think the soil or compost had an issue... Great!....
Word! Thanks swanky! Congrats on your seed choice! Yes!!!
I can see pretty fair root growth at the bottom of the pots, drainage holes. I mean not excessive, but a few nice white roots poking out I am certain I may cause more stress than good if I tried to transplant them.

It is pretty simple to tell when it is time to transplant by getting intimate with the plant's growth. Observe it daily and one day you will notice that visible growth drastically slows, the plant will shift into neutral. At this point you can give a light feeding and wait a few more days to see if it picks up the pace, if not that is the sign that the pot size has impacted the roots to the point that the plant is ready to be moved. And I understand your concern about stressing the plant but as long as you are gentle you will barely notice a slow down in growth. The key is gentleness.

Thanks! Again, congrats!!!! I'm bummed I should be further along, I need an HPS, and for some reason gnats are going nuts in my tent. I think the soil or compost had an issue... Great!....

I have good results knocking out the gnats with pyrethrum spray. Buy some at any store that stocks gardening supplies.
Thanks for your input bro! I am certain growth is stunted, so I'll give them a nice soil top dress, and the replant in a week or so.

As far as the gnats go, I'm going to start with sticky traps, and locating the source of infestation, IE the soil, or compost, or what...

Pyrethrums are ok in a bind but I will try to stay away from it if possible. And yes I understand them, as I work in a garden store, and as do sell it. But again, I'm appreciative for feedback! Thank!
Top dressed the two chill om. I was able to add about a half inch of compost enriched potting soil(I blended compost into soil), and gave them a drink as well. That should give them another weeks worth of foodies, then I'll transplant up into 2 gal containers, I may need to get some 1 gallon, as that would be most ideal.

Stay tuned!
What's cracking peeps!?!?! Holly at the orG!!

damn, simultaneous gnat attacks!!!

last time this happened a pair of friendly preying manti cleaned up for me. dunno where to find one now tho.
DTE in Eugene had manti cocoons! Lady bugs? Hmmm..

Sand? Damn ingredients! This is another reason I wanna make my own soil. Nematodes too!

Satori is on the lineup. I let my krystalica dry out a bit, not sure what'll happen now. I'll get through this curve again. And my thumb will again be green!
I'm ordering a 250/400 watt hid unit from sunlight supply. Outfitting this tent proper...

Also a fan, soil, lamps, etc.

LEDs were fine for me when I was playing around but the units I have are outdated and for my mandala ladies I want something tried and true!
I've postponed this decision. I have several led units, that I believe will work fine, and not make me spend money on new gear. I've used them before, they will make it through the summer heat, and by then I'll upgrade, for now though...LED baby! I just love the damn things, and I've been out of the scene for so long, seeing the new tech is just exciting me more! COBs, self created units, sharing of that info...etc.

You guys rock!
Thought I'd share this from today's notes.

1.5 cubic feet of black gold organic potting mix.
.75 cubic feet of worm compost
1 cup alfalfa meal
1 cup kelp meal
1 cup azomite Trace minerals (powder)
Mix mix mix mix mix, mix more! Mix, mix, mix, mix, mix! Let bacterial and fungal life excell!
Drenched with 1 tsp per appx 2.5 gallons (non-chlorine water) soluble beneficial bacteria and trichoderma.

Seed "sludge" created using a little water and of ultra fine endomycorrizhal fungi.
Just to note, I've had best success with direct sowing the mandala seeds in a soil mix. The rapid rooters, clones only. Seeds, soil! That's my two bits. image.jpg