Can my city water be this good??


This is so stupid. You're all sitting here arguing that tap water is somehow just as good as distilled water, yet the entire point of using distilled water is to avoid the harmful chemicals in tap that CAN and WILL do damage to your plant's roots and overall health, and eventually yield. If you think anything otherwise, enjoy living in your ignorant bliss with your harsh smoke. The same lackluster approach to how you care for your plants will carry over into everything you do, and you will never achieve the same potential and quality that people who are actually up on their shit will. Do you think guys growing government pot in labs are using tap water? No. They're using pure ass shit. If you can't afford to give your entire grow the absolute best it deserves, don't grow, or grow less plants. Clearly some of you don't understand the concept of "risk reduction".


Well-Known Member
Hey gents, just use RO water and spike with cal/mag as needed. I don't drink my tap water until it's filtered but that's just personal tastes. It's alright to water indoor plants with tap water if you only have 150 ppm solids and you evaporate out the chlorine first. I've watered outdoor plants with 450-500 ppm solids with a garden hose without issues. Each to his own and quit bashing each other... fuck! Whatever works for you is great! I've tried distilled too and it works fine. I've probably got 30-35 grows under my belt and water was never the issue, just what I neglected to put INTO it was the issue.


Well-Known Member
Nothing bad in tap water huh? So I guess bacteria, lead, copper, antibiotics, disinfectants, nitrates, arsenicl, and of course, chlorine (which stunts root growth mind you), are just dandy then? These are not removed. And yes, they will reduce the quality of your yield and the buds will not taste as good from the buildup of chemicals which the plant has been soaking up every single day since germination...

This is not to say that every bit of tap water from any given place will be as bad as any other, yes areas vary and some are a lot worse. However,un-pH'ed tap water is not what you should be using for your plants... Every time you're using an uncontrolled substance on your plants, you're adding variables. Once something goes wrong, you're going to have a much harder time trying to figure out what it is. This is not to say that simply using tap water is going to kill your plants or something, but it's just another variable in dozens and dozens of variables that effect the outcome of your plant. Again, can you still grow good bud by using the shittiest tap water in the country? Probably. Would it have been better with the purest water in the country? Definitely.
Dude, look at Qwizo's posts.

If the man doesn't PH his water it's for a reason.


Well-Known Member

This is so stupid. You're all sitting here arguing that tap water is somehow just as good as distilled water, yet the entire point of using distilled water is to avoid the harmful chemicals in tap that CAN and WILL do damage to your plant's roots and overall health, and eventually yield. If you think anything otherwise, enjoy living in your ignorant bliss with your harsh smoke. The same lackluster approach to how you care for your plants will carry over into everything you do, and you will never achieve the same potential and quality that people who are actually up on their shit will. Do you think guys growing government pot in labs are using tap water? No. They're using pure ass shit. If you can't afford to give your entire grow the absolute best it deserves, don't grow, or grow less plants. Clearly some of you don't understand the concept of "risk reduction".
How the Fuck do you know what government labs water their weeds with?


Active Member
Dude, look at Qwizo's posts.

If the man doesn't PH his water it's for a reason.
Look some people understand chemistry better than others. here is the point about tap water.. You can use it if nothing else is available. If you use the tap water you MUST set it out with cap off for a couple days to evaporate all those things you mentioned in the reply.
now as a more advance chemistry grower , you would measure the ppm of the water BEFORE adding nutrients. r/o water has a ppm of near 0.. spring water has a ppm of about 150, and tap water is 300 and above.

the reason why people get stuck on the water issue is thats almost half the nutrients you cant use to feed exact nutrients because the tap water already has some solids in it. Some good, some bad. Every treatment of water is different, including the pipes to get there. you could always do a full NPK and ph test of dechlorinated tap water, just to see what you have before adding nutrients. And I would imagine 95% of people in this forum either do this or already have and already know the ppm of the water they are using.

I hope this makes sense. Good luck . remember, sometimes we dont follow the book completely and the plants thrive. there is no exact chemistry to any two strains.

try a very resiliant strain like cheese or something. where you can play with the nutes and water, and have a more durable plant to take the abuse while you learn, then upgrade the difficulty strains as you go.


Well-Known Member
95% of people on this forum have tested their NPK values in their tap water?

Not sure about that statistic...
How the Fuck do you know what government labs water their weeds with?
Are you familiar with the term "lab grade"? Because it's what any scientific group, team, company or organization in general is going to be using for every substance they work with in a scientific environment. Lab grade metals, lab grade chemicals, lab grade water... These are all the purest substances available. They use these substances to avoid any issues... If you know the water you're putting in your plant is 99.9% pure, and something starts to go wrong, you don't have to worry about the water, you just ticked one variable off your list of possible issues. If you're using tap water, you could easily have too much nitrogen, too much potassium, etc. and when combined with your nutes, this could cause burning issues, root damage, you name it. The fact you're blindly fighting in the face of logic, when it is a FACT that distilled water is safer and more reliable than tap, shows your own ignorance on this subject.

It doesn't matter if the chances are extremely slim, or if the harm were even too small to notice... If you know the substances you're working with, you can more easily identify what's wrong and what isn't. Anything else is bull shit, and you're simply making excuses to use an inferior substance to grow your plants. What a shame for those girls.


Active Member
Lemme guess your gonna flush your growing medium as well near the end of harvest

Cough cough..your newb is showing

I love them commercials btw
the funny thing here is this guy only knows about half of what he needs to and is sticking his chest out. this is a typical arrogance post gone really wrong. I dont even think this guy has an issue he is just ranting. there is no point here.
hit that bong again buddy
the funny thing here is this guy only knows about half of what he needs to and is sticking his chest out. this is a typical arrogance post gong really wrong. I dont even think this guy has an issue he is just ranting. there is no point here.
Please, do explain, what's the other half that I'm missing? Because, last time I checked, no serious grower I've ever met or heard of uses tap water over distilled water, and all of them flush...


Active Member
I use my tap water, I'm Blessed to live in the Colorado Rockies, so its Mountain water. I let it sit for 24+ hours for the chlorine to evaporate. Yea go with it. Have fun growing :~}


Active Member
if you dont know what your baseline is then what are you adjusting?
I know exactly what my spring water is , I have a slightly high nitrogen and about a 1 value IMAG0334.jpg of k coming through my spring water. and my ppm is 105 ish . Do you not find this info important? Do you think I can still use it.

here is a pic of my 6' autoflowers with full colas.

i know your gonna tell me I cant grow an auto flower like that so here is the pic of the clones. as you can everything in that veg room is auto, except that fuck up plant I am trying to repair for a friend.IMAG0328.jpgIMAG0331.jpg


Well-Known Member
Please, do explain, what's the other half that I'm missing? Because, last time I checked, no serious grower I've ever met or heard of uses tap water over distilled water, and all of them flush...
I know lots of them. They're well known and respected in the industry, which is more than I can say about you.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
@chuck estevez
I know you like a good laugh

Ooh my popcorns about to burn
thanks for showing me this, I have been laughing my ass off.

Time for some pics for the hard headed, maybe they drank too much chlorine,lol

Uh oh, What is that in the lower right corner of the picture that has the ESSENTIAL plant nutrients? Why, It's Cl, which is what?

also, if flushing removes all the chemicals and nutes, why don't the buds turn yellow? HMMM?


Well-Known Member
here's a thought: how do you know that your nutes are the same from batch to batch?? who cares about water quality. i get my nutes tested, not my water.