Screwed up my batch of Super Soil...Help

Long time lurker second time poster..

Mixed up a batch of Subcools Super Soil and my dumb ass forgot the Rock Phosphate. Soil was cooked and a beautiful Kosher Kush has been growing in it for 2-3months outdoors (still very much in veg).

Past few days she's started to show light purple under her leaves and yellowing tips (tips look like light nute burn).. Should I just mix some Rock Phosphate into the top few inches now or is there some better organic source to add since its this far into veg and already planted?

I'll have some pictures up tomorrow.



Well-Known Member
Long time lurker second time poster..

Mixed up a batch of Subcools Super Soil and my dumb ass forgot the Rock Phosphate. Soil was cooked and a beautiful Kosher Kush has been growing in it for 2-3months outdoors (still very much in veg).

Past few days she's started to show light purple under her leaves and yellowing tips (tips look like light nute burn).. Should I just mix some Rock Phosphate into the top few inches now or is there some better organic source to add since its this far into veg and already planted?

I'll have some pictures up tomorrow.

that doesn't appear to be a nute burn to me.
Does look like the nitrogen is possibly used up, outside it difficult sometimes to keep up with the light, how big are the plants? how big is the container?
I'd need more info to give any advice.
if its supersoil the nitrogen is probably been washed away by now.
that doesn't appear to be a nute burn to me.
Does look like the nitrogen is possibly used up, outside it difficult sometimes to keep up with the light, how big are the plants? how big is the container?
I'd need more info to give any advice.
if its supersoil the nitrogen is probably been washed away by now.
I sprayed with azamax last night in case it was pest related (first application of the season). I also added a kelp derived potassium suppliment. I am going to give that a day or two and see if she perks up.

The plant in question was germinated indoors on 3/30/15 and transplanted outdoors around the second week of May. Hole was roughly 3' deep x 4' across filled half with Super Soil (minus Rock Phosphate) the other half was FFOF amended with extra perlite and clean coco coir. She was leaned over and LST'd from day one. I topped the lower branches 3 week's ago and is about 4' across now.
Here's better pics as well...note that I'm standing on a 5gallon bucket in order to get the shot from above..
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Well-Known Member
I sprayed with azamax last night in case it was pest related (first application of the season). I also added a kelp derived potassium suppliment. I am going to give that a day or two and see if she perks up.

The plant in question was germinated indoors on 3/30/15 and transplanted outdoors around the second week of May. Hole was roughly 3' deep x 4' across filled half with Super Soil (minus Rock Phosphate) the other half was FFOF amended with extra perlite and clean coco coir. She was leaned over and LST'd from day one. I topped the lower branches 3 week's ago and is about 4' across now.
Here's better pics as well...note that I'm standing on a 5gallon bucket in order to get the shot from above..
don't do a thing, and in the future be real careful spraying anything if its not needed, those plants look 100% healthy.
the purpling underside is most likely genetic, and I wouldn't do anything at all.
Nice plant.
I wouldn't add any nutrients at all, and if you do, the only thing i'd do is make a light alfalfa and kelp meal tea.
don't do a thing, and in the future be real careful spraying anything if its not needed, those plants look 100% healthy.
the purpling underside is most likely genetic, and I wouldn't do anything at all.
Nice plant.
I wouldn't add any nutrients at all, and if you do, the only thing i'd do is make a light alfalfa and kelp meal tea.
Thanks for the help and compliment! Maybe I'm just being overly cautious in my excitement to see her explode over the next 2 months. Is there an easy way to tell if the purps are genetic or if it's a Def of some kind?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help and compliment! Maybe I'm just being overly cautious in my excitement to see her explode over the next 2 months. Is there an easy way to tell if the purps are genetic or if it's a Def of some kind?
not really, easiest is simply experience.
It's not a def, by the way.
cal mag deficiency im about 95% sure
The Seaweed supplement I added last night contains Cal & Mg so I have that base covered, thanks!

UPDATE: I checked soil Ph this morning and just now. (Northern Hemisphere) S side was 7; N side was 6.5-6.6
Maybe due to the sun drying one side out more than the other...


Well-Known Member
The Seaweed supplement I added last night contains Cal & Mg so I have that base covered, thanks!

UPDATE: I checked soil Ph this morning and just now. (Northern Hemisphere) S side was 7; N side was 6.5-6.6
Maybe due to the sun drying one side out more than the other...
it's not a deficiency.
And PHing an organic soil will give you different numbers allll day long.
Your plants are fine.


Well-Known Member
I already added it to the soil so I was just telling the individual that information.

I'm going to take your advise, leave her alone and sleep well tonight.
yea I gotcha.
If I got a dollar for every time somebody says its a calmag thing...
i'd say a good 90% of the time, the best course of action, is simply NOT doing anything
UPDATE: Well here's the results of my Thrip sticky trap..(blue picture).. For those of you fortunate enough to have never seen a Thrip; the majority of the little specks are Thrips (I checked under my 120x scope). I have a feeling they are playing a part in this weirdness...

Also, I found out my local water is considered "very hard"; could the yellowing be due to accumulated salts? 20150624_171246.jpg 20150624_165010.jpg 20150624_165119.jpg

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Hmm Grease covered most of it......A minor Mg def was should have covered it with your corrections.

Look, if you ever forget your mineral mix - simply add a Kelp extract to your watering - every other..

Be careful with high P

Thanks, I have been adding kelp to my tea because I read a couple similar statements during my research.

Why be careful with high P fert? Is there a reason other than lockout or nute burn?


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I have been adding kelp to my tea because I read a couple similar statements during my research.

Why be careful with high P fert? Is there a reason other than lockout or nute burn?
no, but lockout or nute burn is reason enough, no?
As much as nutrient/hydro peeps will tell you, a high phosphorus nutrient isn't needed for flowering, as long as your soil is made correctly it really won't need much additional nutrients.
Cool thing about kelp is that it's relatively mellow and I can't ever recall someone pissing off their plant from simple kelp.
guanos, yea?
blood meal, yea?
Molasses/potassium? YES...
don't ask me how I know


Well-Known Member
Update: I added some high P organic nutes and a light dose of a well rounded tea. The purple/red dissappeared and she bushed out BIGTIME. She's now 2-3 weeks into flower and looking good!
depending on the container, outside is REALLY hard to keep up with the sun, and photosythesis' rate.
Nitrogen is usually the limiting factor.
I'd be giving this lady an alfalfa tea, once a week, for the next three weeks.
Or you could topdress hi nitrogen guanos, comfrey, worm castings, or the like.
Is it in a relatively small container?
no, but lockout or nute burn is reason enough, no?
As much as nutrient/hydro peeps will tell you, a high phosphorus nutrient isn't needed for flowering, as long as your soil is made correctly it really won't need much additional nutrients.
Cool thing about kelp is that it's relatively mellow and I can't ever recall someone pissing off their plant from simple kelp.
guanos, yea?
blood meal, yea?
Molasses/potassium? YES...
don't ask me how I know
Definitely reason enough; is as just curious if there was more to it. I top dressed with pure worm castings and kelpmeal at first sign of flower a few weeks back.

As for container size; she's in the ground and the hole was roughly 3'x4'. Soil is 50% Super Soil and 50% FFOF cut with clean coco and perlite.