Is my friend using her vaporizer wrong? I think she is.


Well-Known Member
Ok so she got a Vap.R 710 Mini. It seemed an ok little unit at first, but after multiple uses I noticed a few things that just didn't add up. I'm fairly new to vaporizers, but now that I have my own, I know what basic characteristics to usually expect from a vaporizer.

Initially I thought 710 was a model number of sorts, but I now know it's lingo for "oil", she's using just regular herb in it. Before I knew 710 meant oil, I knew something wasn't right when the glass bowl started becoming caked with what appeared to be ash residue, and the taste was too similar to regular burned herb, and I'm not seeing any of the characteristic brown herb you see after vaporizing it.

I can only conclude she's made a big mistake and didn't do her research before buying it, is she going to wreck her unit by doing this, or is she just going to waste her weed?
Ok so she got a Vap.R 710 Mini. It seemed an ok little unit at first, but after multiple uses I noticed a few things that just didn't add up. I'm fairly new to vaporizers, but now that I have my own, I know what basic characteristics to usually expect from a vaporizer.

Initially I thought 710 was a model number of sorts, but I now know it's lingo for "oil", she's using just regular herb in it. Before I knew 710 meant oil, I knew something wasn't right when the glass bowl started becoming caked with what appeared to be ash residue, and the taste was too similar to regular burned herb, and I'm not seeing any of the characteristic brown herb you see after vaporizing it.

I can only conclude she's made a big mistake and didn't do her research before buying it, is she going to wreck her unit by doing this, or is she just going to waste her weed?
Mind your own business.

it's your vape pen and you can't read directions or figure out how to use one. Don't lie trying to put blames.on your go or should feel ashamed of yourself

No, it's not, I use a Haze model. If anybody is to be ashamed, it would be you. Cynical much?