Will I Drop Dirty?


New Member
Alr so here's the deal. I just finished 7 months in OCJ ( Oakland County Jail). I was released Tuesday June 9th and put on two to three months standard probation. As a chronic pothead who hasnt had weed in 7 months, I smoked a lil. On Wednesday I took a few hits out a bowl (.2 grams), On thurs. I had 3 decent bong tips and maybe 4 or 5 on friday and took 2 on Saturday. I'm thinking probably maybe 1 gram to 1.5 total. So the last time I smoked was Saturday the 13th. The drug screens are random so in clueless right now. But the question is do you think I can be clean within the next week or less. Btw in 5"11 and weigh 135 lbs. So im pretty skinny and have a great metabolism. What do you guys think.
Drink some pickle juice and lots and lots of water. When u feel sick like u can't drink any more, drink some more.
Drink water, tons and tons of water. Gets it out of your system faster...and I mean TONS of water. Walk around with a water bottle and take sips out of it throughout your day. Replenish as needed.

You and me have similar body types (im 6 foot and somewhere in the 140s) and I got THC out of my system in about 6 days of water.

Now that I think about it you might even be THC free already..
^^^this. Plus get some vitamin to take so that you're urine isn't too clear. A neighbor of mine that was on probation was told on his 1st random that if his urine was that clear the next time he was tested, he would fail.
Take a detox and drink tons of water that's all you can do unless its an un supervised UA then get someone's pee if you think you'll fail
I use to be on probation when I was a kid, getting dropped 3 times a week, I was dumb just like u and figured out if u drink a jar of pickle juice, and a few gals of water. I was getting clean in one day, but then they weren't turning u away for deluded piss. Meaning if ur piss is to clear, they will count it as a dirty drop. So work out a BUNCH while drinking shit loads of water and ull be good. Next time don't be an asshole, and just do ur 3 months. It's ONLY 3 months! Fucking cake walk dude! Man up, do ur shit and get it over with. Do a 3 month detox from everything man, and in 3 months it'll be like the first time.
I use to be on probation when I was a kid, getting dropped 3 times a week, I was dumb just like u and figured out if u drink a jar of pickle juice, and a few gals of water. I was getting clean in one day, but then they weren't turning u away for deluded piss. Meaning if ur piss is to clear, they will count it as a dirty drop. So work out a BUNCH while drinking shit loads of water and ull be good. Next time don't be an asshole, and just do ur 3 months. It's ONLY 3 months! Fucking cake walk dude! Man up, do ur shit and get it over with. Do a 3 month detox from everything man, and in 3 months it'll be like the first time.
i hear you. And Lol I did a 7 month detox
So you been seven months clean and couldn't handle two more? Maybe get your priorities straight. But I'm not one to judge. I found the best thing for detox is drinking a lot of water and exercise. I don't know about other brands but go to Walmart and get some niacin, sundown brand. Take 5-6 of them and drink gallon of water over the remainder of the day. It will flush you, you will get red like a sunburn an piss the color of a mountain dew bottle. You will be clean after.
So you been seven months clean and couldn't handle two more? Maybe get your priorities straight. But I'm not one to judge. I found the best thing for detox is drinking a lot of water and exercise. I don't know about other brands but go to Walmart and get some niacin, sundown brand. Take 5-6 of them and drink gallon of water over the remainder of the day. It will flush you, you will get red like a sunburn an piss the color of a mountain dew bottle. You will be clean after.
Don't they test for that shit now? I might be wrong but I thought they can test for niacin. And any of that fake piss. But once again I might be wrong I've been out the system for a long time!
Don't they test for that shit now? I might be wrong but I thought they can test for niacin. And any of that fake piss. But once again I might be wrong I've been out the system for a long time!
If they find it no big deal. You felt bad and decided to flush your system. Its not like its niacin is illegal. Just don't do it again if they say something about it.
Alr so here's the deal. I just finished 7 months in OCJ ( Oakland County Jail). I was released Tuesday June 9th and put on two to three months standard probation. As a chronic pothead who hasnt had weed in 7 months, I smoked a lil. On Wednesday I took a few hits out a bowl (.2 grams), On thurs. I had 3 decent bong tips and maybe 4 or 5 on friday and took 2 on Saturday. I'm thinking probably maybe 1 gram to 1.5 total. So the last time I smoked was Saturday the 13th. The drug screens are random so in clueless right now. But the question is do you think I can be clean within the next week or less. Btw in 5"11 and weigh 135 lbs. So im pretty skinny and have a great metabolism. What do you guys think.

follow these instructions carefully,

sit down on a chair
seperate your thighs a bit
carefully bend down to your knees
protrude your neck to between your thighs
last step and most important
kiss your ass goodbye.

So you been seven months clean and couldn't handle two more? Maybe get your priorities straight. But I'm not one to judge. I found the best thing for detox is drinking a lot of water and exercise. I don't know about other brands but go to Walmart and get some niacin, sundown brand. Take 5-6 of them and drink gallon of water over the remainder of the day. It will flush you, you will get red like a sunburn an piss the color of a mountain dew bottle. You will be clean after.
im sorry , this time I have to agree with this guy!
Alr so here's the deal. I just finished 7 months in OCJ ( Oakland County Jail). I was released Tuesday June 9th and put on two to three months standard probation. As a chronic pothead who hasnt had weed in 7 months, I smoked a lil. On Wednesday I took a few hits out a bowl (.2 grams), On thurs. I had 3 decent bong tips and maybe 4 or 5 on friday and took 2 on Saturday. I'm thinking probably maybe 1 gram to 1.5 total. So the last time I smoked was Saturday the 13th. The drug screens are random so in clueless right now. But the question is do you think I can be clean within the next week or less. Btw in 5"11 and weigh 135 lbs. So im pretty skinny and have a great metabolism. What do you guys think.

Fail. Also if the test sample includes adulterants (detox, masking agents, synthetic piss) you could also fail the test. Oregon tests for these. My home state. Washington state does not. This is from my past experience. Although I did pass my pre employment test with a friends clean piss. Not exactly your position. THC is stored in fatty cells. It is possible to not meet the testing threshold. But diluting the sample raises concerns too. Not to be a dick but if you get in trouble and while on probation you break the law then you probably should get busted. Albeit at the expense of tax payers. Why not just stop smoking for probation? Seems stupid to me. It really just comes down to wether you value your own personal freedom. Personally if I had the choice between smoking weed and jail or freedom and not smoking weed then I'm not smoking. I only say this because I keep my ass out of trouble so smoking weed wether legal or not is not a concern. Ever. I find it amusing when someone on probation for a crime wants to elude the law again. No such thing as a smart criminal. Hahaha. Stop smoking. If you have a valid reason the have medical marijuana then you might have a right to it even if a criminal. But seriously just lay off the weed and stop asking dumb questions on how to pass a test you're going to fail.

Oh and by the way, counting your gram intake was pointless unless you know exactly how much THC your body stores vs the amount you consume. For all we know you smoked shitty dirt weed with no THC and not the 27% killer I grow. My shit would have your ass busted off a contact high. Hahaha just kidding. But not really.