Medical Marijuana In Vancouver Should Be More Regulated: City

Questions from Council with staff response

1. Is it possible to have a two-tier licensing system for marijuana dispensaries, i.e., a reduced business license fee for a non-profit society?

Yes. Amendments to the proposed License By-law would be required. In the event that Council wishes to proceed with this approach, staff have prepared by-law amendments to:

i) define a separate business licence category called “Compassion Club” based on criteria and operational requirements regarding:

• being a duly registered non-profit society,
• serving only their members,
• providing a minimum level of non-marijuana health services (e.g. massage therapy, acupuncture),
• ensuring that all members may elect or be elected to society director or officer positions,
• holding membership in the Canadian Association of Medical Cannabis Dispensaries;

ii) establish a business licence fee of $1000.00 for Compassion Clubs.
Fuck the wolves in sheeps clothing at Vancouver shitty hall and their $30,000 fee. Fuck dispensaries who will pass that cost onto sick patients. Grow your own, grow some for a friend..
i agree completely.
they've already won the war on marijuana when we cheer BS "legalization" and welcome $30,000 licensing fee's.
4 compassion clubs have been given the green light.. and there's another 15 non-profits that could potentially qualify..
but they said no edibles...??
then they said can't be close to a school-the BCCCS opened up and a few years later they opened a school across the now, who has to move?
but they said no edibles...??
then they said can't be close to a school-the BCCCS opened up and a few years later they opened a school across the now, who has to move?
LOL that reminds me of the smokers corner that moved into a town outside of Calgary..... then the sylan learning crap center went in .... guess who was the first to complain .... after they knew it was there before they moved in to the strip mall .... dumb ass people eh?
Rona must be crapping right now! and be even more outraged...hahahahaaa
she doesn't get that we the people want & need it!!! we ARE going to go against the Gov't whenever this kind of thing's a democracy!!
Anyone have a link to the new regulations, cant seem to find anything from the city themselves. I got the funding to start one but need to do homework and waiting to get to talk to Tousaw about it I have heard shitty stories from other people already about landlords wanting crazy money for lease if its for a dispensary. If anyone knows someone with a location that fits the zoning in Vancouver that is in the $2000-3000K per month let me know. It doesn't have to be big but big enough to make it welcoming and not look like a pharmacy.