So you think you deserve $15/hr. at Mc-Donald's? Meet your replacement.

why have you never given shit to any of your right wing, white supremacist buddies who use this word unapologetically?
if uncleben is using derogatory words knowingly to people of colour and these people can hear him say these things
or see him type them, and these people in turn feel bad or insulted, and ask him to discontinue
i would not support UB or moderator RB if they continued with these actions

i would hope that both uncleben and racerboy do not partake in these type of activities as i consider it "bullying"
if they are just both very old and say old people things like "nigger toe" is a Brazil nut
then that is racial insensitivity and not intended to be bullying imo

hope this helps
you seem to be suggesting that you want uncleben to repent, then everything will be ok ?

no, i'm saying your white supremacist buddies will not repent their hateful racism, and you will give them all a pass for it too.


because you are a hateful racist white supremacist type.

and that's the reason you can't get hired, it's not because indian people are being magically favored for their skin color. it's just that you are an unwelcome, unwanted, piece of shit that no one likes.
if uncleben is using derogatory words knowingly to people of colour and these people can hear him say these things
or see him type them, and these people in turn feel bad or insulted, and ask him to discontinue
i would not support UB or moderator RB if they continued with these actions

i would hope that both uncleben and racerboy do not partake in these type of activities as i consider it "bullying"
if they are just both very old and say old people things like "nigger toe" is a Brazil nut
then that is racial insensitivity and not intended to be bullying imo

hope this helps

why have you gone on for literally years and years and years about one word racerboy has said, but never made a peep about any of the hateful racist shit your white supremacist buddies spew daily?
why have you gone on for literally years and years and years about one word racerboy has said, but never made a peep about any of the hateful racist shit your white supremacist buddies spew daily?

Racerboy is a mod, that is why you clearly stated he was not racist
you like sucking up to mods

by your logic it is ok for anyone to call anyone a racist slur if they say sorry afterwards
How do you know raceboy is genuinely sorry for his racist remarks ?
how can you be certain that racerboy is not now "telling you what you want to hear" ?

i believe your system of judgment is open to misinterpretation and manipulation

i reject your claim that racerboy is some how not a racist because he said the word "sorry"

its quite possible that uncleben is sorry for his actions but is too stubborn to admit he was wrong so continues to pretend to be racist
How are your plants doing, any problems ?

let's not change the subject.

we were talking about why you give a complete and total pass to your racist right wing white supremacist friends.

clearly you are capable of recognizing even insensitive language, so i have to assume you can recognize outright racism when you see it.

so why do you find racism so acceptable and never raise objection to the white supremacist hatred that your buddies propagate on this forum?
Back on topic - In capitalism a company is going to charge the consumer as much as they can get away with without cutting too much into sales (maximizing profit) and they're going to pay their employees the least bit possible while still holding retention at a decent level (minimizing expenses). This is fact and is not open for debate.

The idea that someone who works at least 40 hours a week should be able to pay basic expenses is about being humane. We call ourselves a first world country yet most would step on their brothers back to make another buck. That doesn't seem so enlightened to me.

I'm not about giving handouts to people that don't deserve it and let's face it, some people are more competent than others. I'm just saying that as an evolved nation we should try and take care of everyone on a basic humanitarian level. The guys who's minimum wage job goes from $8/hr to $9/hr is not going to be living it up. But hey, what would I know? I've only got a degree in Economics.
Back on topic - In capitalism a company is going to charge the consumer as much as they can get away with without cutting too much into sales (maximizing profit) and they're going to pay their employees the least bit possible while still holding retention at a decent level (minimizing expenses). This is fact and is not open for debate.

The idea that someone who works at least 40 hours a week should be able to pay basic expenses is about being humane. We call ourselves a first world country yet most would step on their brothers back to make another buck. That doesn't seem so enlightened to me.

I'm not about giving handouts to people that don't deserve it and let's face it, some people are more competent than others. I'm just saying that as an evolved nation we should try and take care of everyone on a basic humanitarian level. The guys who's minimum wage job goes from $8/hr to $9/hr is not going to be living it up. But hey, what would I know? I've only got a degree in Economics.

Being poor has nothing to do with how you live, what luxuries you have, how large your home is, whether or not you eat multi course meals or even how many gold rings and chains you have or how many diamond studded watches you have. Nope, being classified as poor only depends on how much "income" you receive.

The guy who busts his hump 30 hours a week making $7.50 an hour who drives a 1983 Honda civic, lives in a 1 bedroom with 2 flatmates and eats top ramen for half his meals will not qualify for the same amount of government aid and welfare as the man who has a $50 Million trust fund, lives in a 30,000 sq foot castle and drives a $300,000 Bentley and has never worked a day in his life.

In fact, the guy who lives in the castle will be getting more welfare than the guy who works hard.

taxpayers have been paying for welfare for the rich for generations now. Just look at all those banker bailouts.
Back on topic - In capitalism a company is going to charge the consumer as much as they can get away with without cutting too much into sales (maximizing profit) and they're going to pay their employees the least bit possible while still holding retention at a decent level (minimizing expenses). This is fact and is not open for debate.

Plenty of companies pay well, don't raise prices above market and still profit. So I think it is up for debate. I agree with you regarding taking care of people, but it also makes market sense to pay well.

The problem is that the safety net is working like a subsidy, keeping workers afloat while they work full time for inadequate pay.