So you think you deserve $15/hr. at Mc-Donald's? Meet your replacement.

It's the new thing. Everyone's doing it.

this, this 'snickers' thing..i needed to find out far, i've had:

  1. snickers bites - too small ratios of everything
  2. snickers king size - double bars of the most nutty peanut buttery confection with that thickish chocolate top..piss shiver
  3. snickers - double peanut butter..taste awesome only noticed a slightly peanut butterier taste not sure about the 'double' unless they meant the 2 squares instead of one bar..king bar still the best
and one more time had to think of sheskunk outside of RIU:wink:
She's also incapable of counting in benefits and translating them collectively into a real world cash value. Gotta keep this simple for all the simple minded people that post nothing more than boring hourly wages. :dunce:

All those bennies paid by a small or large business is MONEY, a liability to the employer and an asset to the employee. Since a few don't seem to see the ground for the SKY, I'll point out a few down fer ya - personal leave (maternity and such), sick leave and vacation leave, 401K contributions, Workman's comp, Social Security, retirement plans, paid hospitalization insurance, car allowance, per diem pay for travel related expenses.....etc. etc. etc.

OK, for the simple minded who can't reason past $/hr., that real world value is the encumbrance to the employer or hourly wages PLUS benefit costs. Get it Sky? :wall:

Now, if you're new to McDonald's flipping burgers at $10/hr. and aren't smart enough to see the fringe benefits working for such a fine corp plus the ability to work up the ladder in order to improve your financial standing, then you'll stay a loser forever.

there are so many errors in the above..i don't even know where to begin..perhaps a pamphlet? employees and YOU?

fringe benefits? do you even know what a 'fringe' benefits is? :lol: look it up uncle..i don't want to embarrass're growing on me:hug:

WC is not a is an ER expense.

i've already given two items above to research..come back when you can converse intelligently on's only 2..or even choose's only 1.
Someone's playing dodge ball. When you erroneously cherry picked WC as not being a benefit, you put your foot in your mouth again. If you were to ever hold down a job for once, get fired and then you tell me you don't consider WC payment beneficial, a real world benefit and I'll tell you you're a liar and a pussy too. Of course if you believe what Pelosi publicly stated, that "WC is good for the economy", then you're just another liberal nutcase out of touch with reality, which ya'll are.

"Workers’ compensation benefits are paid for, in some way or another, by the employers of the state. Worker's comp systems vary from state to state, but employers pay for workers’ compensation typically in one of three ways: premiums to a state-run insurance program, payments to an insurance company, or directly to workers."

Again, there are various funding sources - state run programs, insurance programs or like the one my former employer managed - self insured. I retired with a fat wallet and monthly pension and was covered by WC as well as many other benefits.

Like I said, you do not have the mental capacity to process the whole employee package, much less care.

Benefits - sick leave, personal leave, vacation leave, hospitalization and then many others I left out which many employers offer at no cost or at a reduced group rate - dental and eye insurance.

Welcome to reality.......
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Someone's playing dodge ball. When you erroneously cherry picked WC as not being a benefit, you put your foot in your mouth again. If you were to ever hold down a job for once, get fired and then you tell me you don't consider WC payment beneficial, a real world benefit and I'll tell you you're a liar and a pussy too. Of course if you believe what Pelosi publicly stated, that "WC is good for the economy", then you're just another liberal nutcase out of touch with reality, which ya'll are.

"Workers’ compensation benefits are paid for, in some way or another, by the employers of the state. Worker's comp systems vary from state to state, but employers pay for workers’ compensation typically in one of three ways: premiums to a state-run insurance program, payments to an insurance company, or directly to workers."

Again, there are various funding sources - state run programs, insurance programs or like the one my former employer managed - self insured. I retired with a fat wallet and monthly pension and was covered by WC as well as many other benefits.

Like I said, you do not have the mental capacity to process the whole employee package, much less care.

Benefits - sick leave, personal leave, vacation leave, hospitalization and then many others I left out which many employers offer at no cost or at a reduced group rate - dental and eye insurance.

Welcome to reality.......

could you do me a favor?

i don't want to miss your replies..could you reply back to my quote directly? often times i have too many 'alerts' to look at so i pare them down to 'likes' and 'quotes'.

otherwise i might miss what you are saying..
Someone's playing dodge ball. When you erroneously cherry picked WC as not being a benefit, you put your foot in your mouth again. If you were to ever hold down a job for once, get fired and then you tell me you don't consider WC payment beneficial, a real world benefit and I'll tell you you're a liar and a pussy too. Of course if you believe what Pelosi publicly stated, that "WC is good for the economy", then you're just another liberal nutcase out of touch with reality, which ya'll are.

"Workers’ compensation benefits are paid for, in some way or another, by the employers of the state. Worker's comp systems vary from state to state, but employers pay for workers’ compensation typically in one of three ways: premiums to a state-run insurance program, payments to an insurance company, or directly to workers."

Again, there are various funding sources - state run programs, insurance programs or like the one my former employer managed - self insured. I retired with a fat wallet and monthly pension and was covered by WC as well as many other benefits.

Like I said, you do not have the mental capacity to process the whole employee package, much less care.

Benefits - sick leave, personal leave, vacation leave, hospitalization and then many others I left out which many employers offer at no cost or at a reduced group rate - dental and eye insurance.

Welcome to reality.......

WC is not part of an EE's compensation's an ER expense the same as liability..if the state of texas didn't mandate, you would not have.

as for fringes..i see you left this one off..are typically leadership benefits that the common EE doesn't receive.

typically, in the industry, 'fringe' is not a term used to describe typical EE benefits..although, i can see why you think this and how it is explained through most definitions..fringe benefit is typical of exec's.

just look at the term: fringe = the outer limits..benefits = benefits..= the outer limit of benefit AKA additional..benefit on top of benefit.
WC is not part of an EE's compensation's an ER expense the same as liability..if the state of texas didn't mandate, you would not have.

Same could be said about Obamacare which carries a penalty if you don't enlist in that particular facist "entitlement". Or minimum wage. which benefits the loser employee at the expense of the company's owner. The company I retired from mandated disability insurance premiums to be deducted from each employee's paycheck. Many employees considered it a benefit, a safety net. I'll admit that eye care insurance completely covered at the employer's expense is a true bennie. Whatever, it must be figured into the wage or salary of the employee as part of the total compensation package.

Whether it's mandated by one group (the feds) who is controlling the other is not the issue...."it" still benefits the employee.

Again, you're dodging my main point, hung up on the issue of a hourly wage - ANY benefit, fringe this or that other than a paid salary is a bennie. It costs some one and should be added to the person's salary. One more reason to go for a robot or self serve option. If you had every drafted a departmental budget for an organization you would understand this. Companies must budget for those benefits, unless you're some geek like Obama who doesn't know or understand the real value of a dollar.

Fringe benefits is a major expense for the company, the owner - period.
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fucking men!

EDIT: if you take the time to post..don't you want me to read it?..i'm just being polite..

You, "polite"? Look potty mouth, I wouldn't dare be seen with a gal like you in and around polite company. You've been around this cesspool so long you forgot how to act like a lady.

Nota Bene: the person in question stated they put in 50hrs per week. I presume paid, possibly OT.
The equation is more complicated than the information given.
Judgment: Default to Kelly since the figures are approximations with wide errors.

Next on the agenda, should we even care about minimum wage if a Negative Income Tax (or GAI) is applied?
Same could be said about Obamacare which carries a penalty if you don't enlist in that particular facist "entitlement". Or minimum wage. which benefits the loser employee at the expense of the company's owner. The company I retired from mandated disability insurance premiums to be deducted from each employee's paycheck. Many employees considered it a benefit, a safety net. I'll admit that eye care insurance completely covered at the employer's expense is a true bennie. Whatever, it must be figured into the wage or salary of the employee as part of the total compensation package.

Whether it's mandated by one group (the feds) who is controlling the other is not the issue...."it" still benefits the employee.

Again, you're dodging my main point, hung up on the issue of a hourly wage - ANY benefit, fringe this or that other than a paid salary is a bennie. It costs some one and should be added to the person's salary. One more reason to go for a robot or self serve option. If you had every drafted a departmental budget for an organization you would understand this. Companies must budget for those benefits, unless you're some geek like Obama who doesn't know or understand the real value of a dollar.

Fringe benefits is a major expense for the company, the owner - period.

you listed social security as a fringe benefit. so should a person who makes $7.25 an hour tell people he really makes more like $7.76 an hour because his employer pays 6.2% of his FICA?

or is it understood by a business before they ever go into business that they will have to pay FICA, and therefore it is stupid as fuck for any employee to consider that legally mandated act to be some type of "benefit"?

you are literally retarded beyond all belief, benis.

turn off the fox news you retard.