1st Annual RIU fishing trip, Friday June 12th

stand by ! this will be a last minute decesion. I wanna see what my son has going too. Possibly leave tomorrow sometime no later than 6pm and fish Saturday & sunday and come back Sunday afternoon.. how's your Monday look ?
Sweet! I probably can fish sat and sun and will head home when the boat pulls in sun night. If that works we can carpool! If not I will just follow you maybe..
I'll bum one from coop if we need too.
Im gonna need one. All my gear is still at my parents in nj. I'm down to go here or if you can't go that far and want to go out of dana point or h&m let me know. I can't go to Mexico though till I get my passport.
not much on the tuna front here for a 300.00 ticket . the Coronados are on fire but I don't have a passport either. It's only if your within 12 miles of land anyways but that means no Islands. I can't find my birth certificate or Social card so I have to do some time at the SS office before I even go get one so it looks like im screwed for awhile fishing yellows at the Islands.
I got salmon fever and hot weather blues :bigjoint:
k will decide in the morning . all so have to make sure we can get on for Saturday.
Common man, you and Coop are boys, he has room for you.
Let me know if you fish on Monday, I'm Grateful Dead committed Sunday, but I can swing Monday. Nuggs was talking about going again too.....Monday? JJ you in for Monday?
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Fishing Report
June 23, 2015
Salmon Fishing
The Salmon fishing along the Marin coast over the last 2 weeks is finally starting to gain some momentum. Daily fishing reports over the last 3 days from the fleet of charter boats fishing salmon along the Marin coast has averaged good scores, plenty of action, and quality salmon. Recent developments produced scores averaging a fish a rod and pleanty of missed opportunities. Monday’s action was some of the best all season with smoking hot action all day . One skipper from Sausalito reported 15 limits. On Monday, Capt. Joey aboard the New Easy Rider scored 25 salmon up to 21lbs for 21 anglers. Joey stated they were snapping and the action was on!!! He stated they hooked over 60 salmon landing less than 50% of what they played. The recent action is the result of some new fish moving into the area and more are on the way. There were some Coho in the mix, so beware. The weather was overcast and is expected to be the same throughout this week.